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A normal workday for everyone, but you can't call it normal for the workers at the Kim company on the fifth floor.

Everyday they had to deal with Park Jimin's and Jeon Jeongguk's fights.

And today was one of those days, where Jeongguk copied Jimin's work and he also got praised for this amazing speech.

Jeongguk was lucky that they couldn't hear Jimin's work. It was lunch time, so they all packed their stuff together and went out for a little drink.

"You little.." Jimin hissed at him.

"Little what? The only little speaking pig here are you." Jeongguk commented smirking.

The older's face got red from anger. "How you dare to call me a pig?!"

"How you dare to answer back to your alpha like that?" Jeongguk replied, putting down his sheets on his work desk.

"Oh no, they're on it again." One of the workers announced, causing everyone around them to groan in annoyance.

"Yah, listen here you arrogant piece of trash. You're not my alpha, don't ever bring that sentence out of your mouth again." He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at him.

Jeongguk wanted to protest against him, but had to hold back because of their chief.

"You two weren't arguing by just now, were you?" He asked with his old tone, like it was said; literally everyone in the company knows about Jeongguk's and Jimin's hate for each other.

Both immediately shook their heads. "No, we weren't chief."
They lied with a cracked smile.

"Yeah, right. But anyways, Kim Taehyung here, is about to throw a party in the reason for his successful album. Everyone is welcome.It will be tomorrow at 8pm and work ends for everyone, who's about to come at 6pm."

Great news, but Jimin wasn't full concentrated on his managers speech, because of the beauty right next to him.

Jeongguk wondered at whom Jimin was staring and his eyes followed Jimin's gaze.

He caught Kim Taehyung's eyes and already had to roll his own at him.

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