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Jeongguk's POV

I was trying to fall asleep when I heard some noises at the door. I titled my head towards the door and saw Jimin getting in, his face all red and his body seemed weak.

"Jimin?" I said surprised, but the omega didn't answer. He huffed quietly while approaching my bed and the next thing I knew was how he disappeared under the blankets.

"W-what are you doing?" I said shocked when he suddenly palmed my crotch area.

Jimin grabbed the end of my joggers and put them off slowly as I tried to hold in a loud moan.

"Jeongguk-ah, do me feel better." Jimin murmured under the sheets.

My hand immediately landed on his head and I pulled his hair lightly. I let out a lustful moan when Jimin pecked on my cock.

An omegas pheromones can easily turn an alpha into his rut, where he can also be sexually active.

But this time, it was Jimin's fault, I couldn't hold back.

I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him up, so he was laying now on his back and I also took off his sweatpants. His little dick was already standing — mine too.

"You want my dick so bad?" I asked and the latter just moaned.

Instead of answering, Jimin closed the gap between us and kissed me passionately. I responded and my hands wandered to his underwear and pulled them off. He was already producing slick so it was easier for me to enter a finger.

Jimin began to whimper when I moved my middle finger inside of him and he held on my shoulders.

I broke the kiss and went down further, on his neck.
Little pecks were placed there by me and sometimes I also bit at some spots.

I thought it was enough for stretching him and so I put it in carefully. A loud groan escaped my throat and hearing Jimin moan was a sign for me to thrust harder.

Whenever I got drunk, I had no idea what the heck I was doing, but when I was in a rut, my wolf took over the control.

And just like at this moment, I was clueless about what was going on.

Authors POV

Jimin had some tears in his eyes because of the pleasure and he was whining under Jeongguk .

"You're so beautiful." Jeongguk suddenly said between his actions and Jimin blushed at the compliment.

They both forgot about Taehyung, sleeping in the guest room, but since they were in their own
world —they didn't mind.

Their sweat was mixed together as their bodies touched and Jeongguk praised Jimin most of the time.

Both being two total different people during their heat and rut and after then Jimin came to his end and so did Jeongguk—but still inside of Jimin.

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