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Jimin was about to stay at home again, but this time he couldn't find a good reason to stay.

Well, he had to go.

Arriving at the big building, Jimin already wanted to go home.

How the fuck should I behave myself in front of Jeongguk ?!

Still, ignoring the their interactions, he entered the big company.

He was about to tap on the button for the elevator when suddenly another hand reached out for this.

Jimin quickly took his hand away when he noticed Jeongguk and gulped slowly.

Why Jimin was so nervous? Well it isn't normal to beg your enemy to fuck you in a toilet cabinet.

Jeongguk coughed before stepping in and so did Jimin.
It was a little bit awkward between them but then Jeongguk lifted up his head.

"That Taehyung, why did he take your sheets yesterday?" He asked.

Jimin was surprised to hear him asking something about Kim Taehyung, but then he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Why do you care?"

"I wanted to take them for you and this shithead just grabbed them away from me." Jeongguk replied grimly.

"Oh yeah, so you could copy them again?" Jimin responded pissed as he stepped out of the elevator and headed towards their workplace.

"No! I didn't plan to copy anything, Jimin!" The alpha tried to save himself out of the situation. He really didn't want to copy them.

"Don't bother me."

What a funny thing. At the morning, Jimin was all nervous about being around Jeongguk and now he literally made Jeongguk clear to stay away from him, but if he can do it?

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