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Jeongguk sighed briefly, trying hard to resist returning to Jimin

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Jeongguk sighed briefly, trying hard to resist returning to Jimin.

But he did hear the omega telling that he felt sick. "Ugh! He can take care of himself, can't he?" He murmured, his nervousness growing. Jeongguk already began to worry, but still continued his way to who knows where.

He just kept on walking, but suddenly he felt a quick pain in his heart and he immediately knew it was because of Jimin.

The alpha ran back home as fast as he could and arriving at the door his heart clenched.
"Jimin?" He shouted and when he didn't get a response, he began to look for him.

Within a few seconds, Jeongguk found Jimin laying on the kitchen floor —his face turning pale and it caused another big shock for Jeongguk. He cursed himself for leaving him alone and felt terrible bad towards the omega.

"What happened?!" He was desperate at the moment and slowly picked him up in a bridal style to bring him to his sleeping room. Jeongguk put him down carefully and looked once more at him before grabbing his phone and calling a doctor for a serious check up.

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