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"Park Jimin is.. how to say this, he is pregnant."

Those few words needed to be said again for Jeongguk, because he couldn't believe what he just heard.

His throat was dread and he coughed a fee times before asking, "What? That c-can't be?"

"Unfortunately, yes," There was a little pause, ".. but I'm not sure if he will be okay. Since he doesn't have a partner—"

Jeongguk quickly interrupted, "He does have a partner! I will protect him, just please say what he needs.."

The doctor eyed Jeongguk before sighing. "He needs rest. A lot of rest. I will write a confirmation for his workplace." The man said.

The alpha nodded in understanding and glanced at the sleeping omega.

"At the moment, the baby is totally okey." With that positive message, the doctor left them.

"You're pregnant, huh?" Jeongguk whispered, making his way towards Jimin.

For some reason he couldn't describe his feelings at the moment — one thing was sure, he felt happy.

"Isn't it a good thing that we're already mated? This makes things easier now for us both, because I'm sure I won't let you go." He said, proudness boiling inside his chest.

Jeongguk was laying down next to Jimin as he held him tight in his arms.

He was about to close his eyes, but then Jimin began to move
around — making the alpha nervous.

Is he about to puke? 

"Jimin, you want to go to the bathroom?" He carefully asked.

Jimin whimpered, still not answering him. He was feeling sick.

"Come on, I'll help you.." The light brunette carried Jimin to the bathroom and on the way, Jimin already opened his eyes — shortly after realizing the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach and he began to puke immediately in the bathroom.

As how he said, Jeongguk stayed by him, caressing the omega's back while whispering calming words.

"Why are y-you here? I thought you left," Jimin finished emptying his stomach and he rested his head on both of his hands.

"Jimin don't you get what just happened?" Jeongguk asked, raising his eyebrows.

Now it's time for real talk.

"Hm? I just pu..ke..d, " His words fell as his face did, but Jimin couldn't really believe this.

"Haha, this is a joke, right?" He chuckled, taking nothing serious.

But looking at Jeongguk disappointed face, Jimin knew that there was nothing to joke around with.

"I want an abortion." Jimin suddenly said and Jeongguk stood up in shock.

"What did you say?" His voice was trembling, but Jimin didn't care at the moment. "I w-want to abort this baby."

"JIMIN! This isn't just a baby, this is OUR baby. Please d-don't to this? Please. Just think about it. We can do it, okey? I will protect you both and you can particularly live here, I really don't mind, just DON'T go..." Jeongguk already had tears floating down his face and the latter looked up at
him — his blurred view making it hard for him to see anything.

"Jeongguk, I'm afraid.. I feel weak, I won't make it.." This time Jiminie sobbed and before he could say anything else Jeongguk quickly took him in embrace, trying to calm down his omega.

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