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"P-park Jimin, your b-baby's heartbeat isn't b-beating.."

To form this sentence is the hardest thing for EVERY single doctor. A baby, who had a chance to live, a chance to feel happiness, died due to unknown reasons.

Many baby's die even though their mothers did their best.

Jimin needed a few seconds to get what the doctor was actually saying. He was about to ask something, but his throat went all dry out of sudden and he kept silent.

Hiccuping slowly, his tears fell down and he began to cry immediately.

He was just about to have a baby, him and Jeongguk, but then—

When he thought of Jeongguk, his headache got even worse and he couldn't really control his crying state.

The doctor quickly gave him some calming medicine and watched him crying himself to sleep.

Her heart clenched at the sight, but still she had to remove the baby inside of him.

They did an anesthesia for Jimin and the operation would take a few hours.

A nurse with strong nerves went out. She was ready to announce the baby's dead.

She noticed how down the brunette alpha was. He looked up from his hands and quickly approached her.

"And? How is he?" He asked, his chest filling up with hope.
Hoping the best for Jimin.

The nurse kept silent first.

When Jyunmin analyzed the nurse's face, she immediately knew what was up.

"Excuse me, could you please leave the room for a bit?" Jyunmin asked Taehyung and the alpha looked at her in confusion.

"But why?" He let out and while they were talking, Jeongguk asked again about what was going on.

"Just leave for a moment, please!" Jyunmin raised her voice for the first time and it gained Jeongguk's attention, the other alpha leaving then with a huff.

"Jeongguk-ah, come here." She waved at him to come and latter took a few steps to her.

"This is the moment, you have to stay strong for Jim—"

"What are you saying?! Jimin is fine and the pup also!" The alpha frowned at her and then looked at her in shock when some tears were coming up in her eyes.

"Min, why are you crying?"

"The baby died."

It was the voice from the nurse behind Jeongguk.
He heard her, clearly and loudly.

But he pretended as if he heard her wrong.

"I d-don't understand.." He began, but crashed together
mid-in his sentence.

"But why?! It was going so well till now!" He protested.

"I'm very sorry. Visiting the patient isn't allowed either for a few hours. There will be a surgery, but the patient is fine, he is just sleeping at the moment. Please behave patience."

Unfortunately Jeongguk began to cry. He didn't want to know how Jimin felt, but surely more terrible than him.

"Oh my god, don't cry, stay strong!" Min fired up her cousin, but she couldn't blame them both.

It was a horrible day for them.

༄ ༄ ༄

Hours passed. Jeongguk's eyes were red and dry. Taehyung found out about the loss too and he didn't really know what to do.
He helped Jeongguk during the hours, but his manager called and he had to excuse himself.

Now it was just Jeongguk at the hospital, waiting for Jimin.
Jyunmin also left due to her husband.

"Mr. Jeon? You can come in." A voice spoke after they opened the door.

He quickly got up and closed the door after he stepped in.

The room was white decorated as usual and on the bed, in the middle of the room, was Jimin sleeping peacefully.

Jeongguk quietly approached the bed and the other nurses left the room for their privacy.

"Jimin.." Jeongguk whispered as he hold the omega's hand.
Jimin flinched at the touch, but kept sleeping. After the surgery, they made sure he would rest.

"We almost reached our goal. A small family. Ahh, I don't want to cry again, my eyes hurt." Jeongguk talked to himself, bringing Jimin's hand to his lips and leaving a smooch on his palm.

At the moment, Jimin opened his eyes, locking them immediately with Jeongguk's.

"Gguk-ah," He barely heard his voice. The alpha squeezed his hand lightly and kissed him softly.

"I'm so sorry." Jimin murmured in between their kiss and Jeongguk pressed his forehead against Jimin's.

"It's not your fault, baby."

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