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Jeongguk heard some noises coming from his side.
Like if someone was talking with him.

Still tired, he rubbed his
face —trying to stay awake.

It was Jimin, his expression immediately screaming annoyance.

"Jimin? Why are you awake? Come here.."

"Come here my ass! Why did you brought me here? Where are my clothes!? What happened?"

Jeongguk sighed. He knew that this will be coming. "You're still in your heat, Jimin. Just do as I say and we won't have any problems. I took off a whole week off for us both. I'm willing to help you since it is somehow also my fault for you being needy and feeling hurt ."

Jimin looked at him with a confused face. "I'm in heat? I didn't even notice.. and you don't have to help me! In the moment i feel absolutely good. My presentation is coming up too and I have to visit Taehyung . He took my papers and I'm pretty sure that he will take better care of me than you." He said, not realizing how mad he made Jeongguk with the dump announcement he just said.

Taehyung taking better care of Jimin than Jeongguk?

Jimin was wrong. No one would be able to take care of a marked Omega better than his alpha himself.

Jimin just won't be able to remind the scenario he would build up in an other alpha's home while in heat. Jeongguk knew it all better. He knew that Jimin would come back to him after all, but still he didn't let the smaller go to Taehyung.

"Don't fucking try me. I'm offering  you here my help, you ungrateful Omega. At least say thank you that I'm not ignoring what mistake I did to you and that I'm trying to do he best." Jeongguk growled at Jimin. His voice trembling and Jimin immediately shut up.
He knew he was acting childish by ignoring Jeongguk's help and snapping back at him, but the one word, which Jeongguk spoke out, hurt him the most without even realizing it.

"So it was a mistake.." He whispered —but the latter didn't hear.


"Nothing. I'm going to the living room." Jimin coldly said and stood up. He went out of the room and looked for the living room in Jeongguk's big apartment.

It was very clean everywhere —it let Jimin feel a bit more comfortable and finally after a tour through the apartment, he found the room.

It was big and it was decorated also very modern as the others.
He sat down on the sofa, looked for the remote control and turned on the big TV screen.

Jeongguk, in the other room, was totally perplexed by Jimin's reaction.

"What did I do wrong this time??!" He asked himself, groaning loudly into the pillow.
He forgot to check his messages since he fell asleep last night earlier than he planned to.

He read Kim Taehyung's last messages and again groaned in annoyance

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He read Kim Taehyung's last messages and again groaned in annoyance.

First Jimin and now this bastard!? He thought, but still made himself ready for a visit.

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