Chapter One

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(The lamp Yoongi owns  is the picture above)

"Hyung! Happy birthday to you! Hurry up and open my gift!" Hoseok squealed as he handed Yoongi his gift wrapped present. "I will personally end you if this is related to my sex life." Yoongi said as he slowly unwrapped the present.

Yoongi raised his brow as he looked at the box. "Lovers lamp. Find your true love with the same shape! Best of luck in finding your one true love!" Yoongi read aloud which made Hoseok clap excitedly.

"Hyung I got you this gift so you could finally be happy! As your best friend, it pains me a lot to see you crying your eyes out because of your ex." Hoseok said, trying to lift Yoongi's hopes up.

"Hoseok, we broke up a long time ago. I've moved on and so did he." Yoongi explained, hoping that Hoseok would understand him. "The instructions also said that the lamp would blink if the other person owning the same lamp turns it on." Hoseok continued, completely ignoring Yoongi.

"Hoseok-" Yoongi was cut-off when Hoseok shoved a piece of cake in Yoongi's mouth. "The cake is good right? Jin hyung made it for you." Hoseok said, quickly changing the subject.

"Well where the hell is he and Namjoon?" Yoongi asked as he chewed his food. "Probably busy with the contract signings. Don't worry, Jin hyung said that he and Namjoon will surely come to your place after the signings." Hoseok flashed his heart-shaped smile at the pale male.

"Hey that's mine!" Yoongi whined as Hoseok grabbed the box and took the lamp out. "I'm just putting in the batteries, hyung. No need to panic." Hoseok said as he placed the batteries inside the lamp.

Hoseok flipped a small switch, emitting a small 'click' sound. The heart-shaped lamp emitted a soft yellow light which looked like it was glowing.

It was beautiful in Yoongi's eyes.

"Good thing that it's working. The light looks really pretty, hyung. The soft glow makes the room look nice and gives a romantic feeling. This lamp is good when you want to have those romantic sex nights with your lover." Hoseok teased.

"I swear you make everything sound so fucking sexual." Yoongi groaned as he stole the lamp from Hoseok. "Make sure that this shit doesn't fucking explode." Yoongi said as he placed the lamp on a nearby table.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

Min Yoongi was supposed to be enjoying his sleeping time. It was currently three o'clock in the morning. The twenty-three year old male was working as a Producer for RM Productions. For him more work meant more money but it also meant more stress.

"Fucking hell." Yoongi cursed under his breath as he tried to go back to sleep.

The heart-shaped lamp sitting on his bedside was blinking non-stop. The blinking was slow, like a faint heartbeat.

Yoongi had no problem keeping the lamp since it was a gift from Jung Hoseok, his best friend. The lamp was a gift from Hoseok two years ago. He always left the lamp on when it was time to sleep, he hated sleeping without a night light.

"Stupid lamp. Stupid Hoseok..." Yoongi muttered as he angrily grabbed the lamp and turned it off. He went back to his deep slumber.

After a few hours, Yoongi's alarm started ringing. It made him groan and cover his ears with a pillow.

He quickly turned off the alarm and got up from his bed. He looked at the lamp which was sitting comfortably on the dresser near his bed.

He decided to grab his phone and called Hoseok. He quickly answered the call after a few rings.

"Wow hyung, you're up early! Is there something wrong?" Hoseok asked in his annoyingly cheerful voice. "Jeez Hoseok, it's only nine in the fucking morning and you are louder than my shitty alarm." Yoongi complained, making Hoseok laugh.

"Shut up hyung, I didn't ask you to hurt my feelings
So what is it? Why did you call me? Is there something wrong? Are you dying?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi rubbed his temple. He knew it was a mistake to call Hoseok early in the morning and he was instantly regretting it.

"The lamped blinked last night." Yoongi said. "Are you sure?! Does it mean that your soul mate finally used his lamp?" Hoseok practically squealed on the phone making Yoongi's right ear deaf.

"Stop screaming! You sound like a screaming animal being slaughtered. If your life goal is making me fucking deaf, you're doing a fine job at it!" Yoongi complained.

"All right, let's put all the jokes aside, did it really blink last night?" Hoseok asked in a serious tone. "It actually did. The blinking was slow and gentle but quite obvious since the lamp is bright." Yoongi explained as he grabbed the lamp.

"Do you want to look for the owner of the other lamp? I think the blinking would stop once the lamp is reunited with its pair." Hoseok suggested. "I think I need to go to work. I'll talk to you later." Yoongi said as he ended the call, not bothering Hoseok to continue.

"I'm hungry." Yoongi muttered as he felt his stomach rumble. He groaned as he looked at the clock. Yoongi decided that he'll get breakfast while on his way to the company.

He took a nice relaxing bath, he of course had a skin care routine to take care of his milky white skin.

He put on casual clothing since he was working as a producer. He put on a black shirt and navy blue ripped jeans. Yoongi grabbed a comb and neatly styled his hair.

"That's good then." He smiled at his reflection. He quickly grabbed his wallet and keys before leaving his apartment.

"Today is going to be a good day. No matter the stupid lamp blinked or not, I'm happy with being single." Yoongi smiled to himself as he hopped inside his Pontiac Solstice and drove off to work.

A/n: Hello! Rap MOANster here! I hope you enjoyed the first part! Chapters are intentionally short compared to House of Cards because this story has a lot of changing scenarios. Please enjoy reading! Updates are every Monday!

The Lightest Touch [𝓨𝓞𝓞𝓝𝓜𝓘𝓝]Where stories live. Discover now