Chapter Eighteen

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"Three months ago before Hwasa noona debuted, I met up with Jung Hoseok. I told him that I was in need of work and I wanted to work under his name. We met again in a milk tea shop after so long." Jimin started, which made Jihyun smile.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Jung Hoseok! Long time no see, I saw you last time when we were both at a hospital." Jimin smiled as he gave Hoseok a hug. "I know, I'm glad you decided to meet up with me today." Hoseok said as he returned Jimin's hug.

The two were currently in a milk tea shop and were happily chatting.

"I have a gift for you Jiminie." Hoseok said as he handed Jimin a brown paper bag. "What's this hyung?" Jimin curiously eyed the bag as he grabbed it from Hoseok's hands. "Open it and see for yourself Jimin. I think this design suits you the best." Hoseok stated which made Jimin raised his eyebrow.

"Is this a Lovers lamp?" Jimin asked in a surprised tone as he opened  the box and removed the lamp inside. It was a heart shaped lamp which was simple yet very pretty.

"I know that you don't like fancy stuff and I'm sure that you'd like this design." Hoseok said as he smiled looking at Jimin's reaction.

"Hyung I love it! It's so pretty! But why did you give me this?" Jimin asked. "Oh it was on sale and I think it's time for you to move on from Yoongi." Hoseok bluntly stated.

"I know it's been seven years but he's my first love. I regret the stuff that I did but you know my reasons hyung. I did it to help my mother, Jihyun and Hwasa noona." Jimin started crying which made Hoseok panic. They were both earning stares from the other cutomers which looked at them.

"Oh don't cry Jiminie, alright. I'll help you. You do know that your Hwasa noona is going to debut soon under the company which I work right?" Hoseok ensured which made Jimin stop crying.

"I'm sorry for crying like that hyung. I'm just missing him so bad. He was the only good thing that happened into my life." Jimin said as he wiped away his tears.

"I'll help you Jimin. I know that Yoongi still loves you. I'll help you get back with him." Hoseok promised which made Jimin smile.

"Thank you Hobi hyung!" Jimin cried out and gave Hoseok a hug.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Hold up hyung, and are you really sure that Yoongi hyung owns the same design?" Jihyun asked in a puzzled tone. "Oh about that, we were actually drinking to celebrate Taehyung's successful debut. Only the two of us showed up though. I actually thought that Taehyung was in Yoongi's office." Jimin explained as he scratched his head.

"That's really funny hyung. I'd say that you actually made him drunk so that you can take advantage of him." Jihyun joked which made Jimin blush. "Jihyun no!" Jimin laughed.

"Could you two shut up? I'm sleeping." Hwasa groaned as she was woken up by the two's laughter. "Sorry Hwasa noona. I'll make sure Jimin hyung keeps quiet." Jihyun said which made Jimin hit his brother on the head.

"I'm sorry." Jihyun whispered. "Oh Jihyun, you're so stupid and funny at the same time." Jimin laughed softly.

Jimin's gaze turned to the lamp which was emitting a slow blinking light. "It really is beautiful. This lamp really reminds me of Yoongi's own heart. Full of light, wonder and beautiful." Jimin said as he stood up and grabbed the lamp.

"Jihyun, if you've found the right person don't ever let that person go. You will regret it so much and you will hurt for the rest of your life." Jimin advised which made Jihyun nod. "I will hyung. I'll fight for my love." Jihyun answered.

"Mom would be so happy if she was alive. She'd be proud of you for making adult decisions." Jimin said as he gave his brother a pat on his head. "Mom would be proud of you too hyung. She always boasts to her friends about you. She'd always tell her friends all of your sacrifices for her." Jihyun answered which made Jimin's mout gape open.

"She's sorry hyung. You had to cheat on Yoongi hyung to pay for her hospitalization. She said that you were really selfless and she loves you for that." Jihyun continued which made Jimin tear up.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Jesus Christ, I should be at home. I have work at eight and it's currently four in the morning." Jimin muttered as he slowly rocked the swing he was sitting on.

Jimin had a lit cigarette hanging from his lips. He only smoked when he was stressed or was overthinking.

"You know for someone so beautiful like you, you shouldn't be smoking cigarettes." An all too famillar voice said as he approached Jimin. "You know for someone who has a perfect life, you shouldn't be meddling in other people's lives." Jimin smiled as he looked at Yoongi, who walked in front of him.

"As you know, my life is far from perfect. So why are you smoking?" Yoongi asked as he took the cancer filled stick from the younger's mouth. Yoongi's fingertips brushed against Jimin's plump lips which made Jimin turn red.

"Just overthinking some stuff I guess." Jimin shrugged as Yoongi took a puff from the cigarette. "Wow, so ironic Min Yoongi. I never knew that you know how to smoke." Jimin said in a playful tone.

"I smoke to forget. But no matter how many times I do it, destiny is constantly hitting me like a bitch to remind me of the past." Yoongi said as he took another puff from the cigarette.

"What do you even want to forget?" Jimin asked.

"Us, you and me, our past and the time that we shared before. It may be good memories but it constantly reminds me on how much I still love you." Yoongi said.

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