Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Is it true that Yoongi hyung is dating Suran?" Jungkook asked which shocked Taehyung. The couple were watching television while at the same time Taehyung was scrolling through his phone. "I thought he and Jimin hyung were dating!" Taehyung exclaimed which made Jungkook scrunch his eyebrows. "Why does this feel like a publicity stunt or something." Jungkook said as he replayed through the interview which Yoongi infamously appeared on. 

Taehyung was scrolling through articles about the episode on TV. There were also numerous sites which showed a photo Yoongi and Suran kissing. "How is this even possible? Look at this." Taehyung said as he showed his phone to Jungkook. 

"This looks somewhat fake. From an angle like this, anyone would think that they're kissing." Taehyung pointed out. The picture was taken from a high building and it was far from where Yoongi and Suran were standing. "It does look fake and I don't think Yoongi hyung would cheat on Jimin like that." Jungkook pointed out. "I also think that Yoongi hyung and Jimin are currently dating right now." Taehyung pointed out. "They are dating! We both caught them kissing last week remember?" Jungkook said. "Oh yeah." Taehyung said.

The couple stopped talking when they heard the doorbell ring.  "It's only ten in the evening. It should be the pizza we ordered." Jungkook said. "But we just called them ten minutes ago." Taehyung frowned as he stood up from the couch and opened the door. The couple were surprised to see Jimin who was a mess. "Oh my god, come in Jimin!" Taehyung gasped as he saw his bestfriend in a very disheveled state. 

"Are you okay? What happened to you?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung placed a hand on his lover's shoulder. "Kookie, why don't you prepare a room for Jimin." Taehyung requested which made Jungkook nod and go upstairs. "Y-Yoongi he-"  Jimin broke down as he embraced Taehyung. "It's okay to cry Jimin, it's okay." Taehyung assured as he rubbed circles on the other male's back.  "Is this  his revenge for the things that I have done to him?" Jimin cried.  

"Why don't you come in first and get some rest? Let's have some ginseng tea and let's see your bed shall we?" Taehyung said. Jimin weakly nodded and went inside the apartment. "Sit down for a bit, I'll just make some tea okay?" Taehyung said as he made Jimin sit down on the couch.

"Jimin hyung, it'll be okay soon." Jungkook said as he approached Jimin and gave him a hug. "I don't even know what the fuck did I even do!! If this is his way of revenge and then he's doing a great job at hurting me!" Jimin cried. "Hyung calm down,  it must be fake." Jungkook assured. "Why does it have to be Suran?"Jimin cried.

"Suran might have seduced him or something. You know that woman is plagued with scandals." Taehyung said as he appeared from the kitchen. Taehyung was holding a pot full of tea and some teacups. "Drink up, it'll help you calm down." Taehyung said as he poured Jimin a cup of tea. Jimin grabbed the cup and drank from it.

"Can you tell us what you know? Honestly we don't know the full story either." Jungkook asked. "I don't know it well either. I just found out from the show." Jimin answered.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Hwasa, have you seen Jimin?" Yoongi asked as he stood in front of Jimin's house. Hwasa was currently standing by the the door with her arms crossed in front of her chest. "He's not here." Hwasa spoke with a stern voice. "Hwasa believe me I didn't cheat on him!" Yoongi said, with tears threatening to fall from the back of his eyes. "Yoongi-ssi, please apologize to him. Not to me." Hwasa said. "Hwasa noona who is that?"Jihyun asked with a groggy voice. "It's just Yoongi-hyung. Go back to bed and sleep." Hwasa said to Jihyun who was now standing by the door. 

"Jihyun! Do you know where your brother is?" Yoongi asked with high hopes. "I don't know. He just said that he's gonna go out to clear his mind. "Have you tried going to Jungkook hyung's house?" Jihyun suggested. "Not yet. Thank you for that suggestion." Yoongi said. "Have a good night and I'm sorry for the trouble!" Yoongi said before driving off. 

"Why'd you tell him? Jimin specifically said not to tell him." Hwasa scolded Jihyun. "I didn't tell him. I just made a suggestion."Jihyun pointed out which made Hwasa pout. "Smart kid." Hwasa said as she ruffled Jihyun's hair. "Go back to bed kiddo." Hwasa said as she locked the door behind her.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Jungkook open up please!" Yoongi yelled as he banged on the door. "What the fuck hyung! Are you trying to wake the neighbors up?" Jungkook scolded as he opened the door. "Is Jimin in here?" Yoongi asked. "Yes he is. I doubt that he wants to see you right now hyung."Jungkook said. "Can I at least see him?" Yoongi pleaded. "Is he awake?" Jungkook called out to Taehyung. "He's still crying!" Taehyung answered. 

"Jungkook let me in." Yoongi demanded. "No! j-just stay out there!" Jimin cried which made Yoongi froze. "I'm taking you home and let's talk." Yoongi said as he went inside the house. "Why the hell did you let him in Kook?!" Jimin cried. "You two should talk it out." Jungkook answered. "Tae! Stop him!" Jimin cried as Yoongi grabbed his waist and carried him on his shoulder. 

"Let me go Min Yoongi! I demand that you put me down this instant!" Jimin yelled. Yoongi quickly carried Jimin to his car and quickly buckled him in. "Behave." Yoongi ordered. "What if I don't want to?" Jimin replied with a sassy tone. "Then, I'll crash this car and make sure we both die together like Romeo and Juliet." Yoongi said as he cupped Jimin's cheeks. 

"Oh fuck you!" Jimin cried out as Yoongi got in the car. "I'm gonna do that later honey. For now just sit down and relax." Yoongi said as he started to drive. Jimin crossed his arms and scoffed. 

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