Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Min Yoongi has arrived in Seoul, he just finished his Military Service and is now being welcomed by fans." The reporter on the scene said as Yoongi was escorted by fellow bodyguards. The fans were screaming and Yoongi was waving at everyone.  Yoongi smiled and kept waving at everyone was screaming and were happy to see their idol. It was a nostalgic feeling that Yoongi missed but he wanted to go home and be in Jimin's arms once again.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Min Yoongi-ssi, how was the Military service?" A reporter asked. "It was okay. I kind of gained some muscle thanks to the training." Yoongi joked which made everybody laugh in the room. There were now in a press conference which Yoongi was going to renew his contract with RM Productions. "I would like to thank my fans for patiently waiting for my return. And my fiance- wait, where's Jimin?" Yoongi asked as he looked around the area. "Is he still in the Military service, Joon?" Yoongi asked.  "I'm sorry hyung. He didn't really want to go without seeing you in the first place. He was going to wait for you to come back. He just left this morning." Namjoon said with a sad tone.

Yoongi frowned and let out a sigh. "Well, I hope they treat Jimin there right. I hope they don't overwork him to the bone." Yoongi hoped. "Let's start with the conference shall we?" Yoongi plastered a  fake smile and looked at the audience.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Why didn't he send letters or even a text?" Yoongi  said as he scrolled through his phone. "Chill hyung, keep quiet  I'm trying to sleep here." Namjoon groaned as he tried to sleep again. The two were currently on their way home. They were in a car and the drive back home was slow and felt like forever.  "Joon, where's Jin hyung?" Yoongi asked. "At home, he's busy with some stuff. " Namjoon groaned. 

The car stopped in front of a huge black gate. "I'm going to get off now Joon. Thanks for the ride, you take care." Yoongi said. "Nuh uh hyung, I'm sleeping in your home. " Namjoon said as he lazily got out of the car. "Joon I didn't even say-" Yoongi was cut-off when he saw Namjoon punching the lock combination on the wall, which made the gates open. "God damn it Joon." Yoongi cursed as he went inside. 

"This is called trespassing Joon. I didn't allow you to come inside my house." Yoongi pouted as he followed Namjoon inside his apartment. "Joon can you turn on the lights? You should be aware on how prone you are to danger and destroying stuff." Yoongi reminded. But surprisingly, Namjoon was quickly gone and this totally puzzled Yoongi. "This is not funny Kim Namjoon. I don't want you to break anything in my apartment." Yoongi groaned as he reached for the nearest light switch.

"Surprise!" Everyone screamed which made Yoongi shocked and surprised. "That's it, I'm fucking calling 911." Yoongi muttered to himself as he reached for his phone. "No no! Hyung don't! Hoseok said as he dove towards Yoongi and reached his phone. Hoseok actually failed and landed on Yoongi's stomach. "Fuck you're heavy!" Yoongi groaned as Hoseok quickly got off him. "We're just here to welcome you back." Hoseok said as he helped Yoongi get up.

 "And sneaking in my house is the only thing that you people could have thought of?" Yoongi groaned as he stretched his arms. "Blame Jin hyung for that." Taehyung admitted and Jin gave the boy a bad look.  

"Anyways Yoongi we hosted this party in honor of your return from the dreaded service." Jin said as he rolled his eyes and proceeded to fix the food on the plating. "The service was not that dreadful, at least I now know how to hold a gun and fire it." Yoongi argued. "Yeah whatever, Taehyung go get the beer in the fridge." Jin ordered. "The rest of you go help unload the car and unpack Yoongi's stuff." Jin ordered again and everyone followed.

"I know you have questions so I ordered them to leave." Jin said as he opened a pack of chips and transferred them onto a plate. "Where's Jimin? Namjoon told me that he left this morning." Yoongi asked. Jin looked at Yoongi with a worried expression. "Truth is, he actually followed you to the enlistment after a few days you enlisted. He thought he was going to be assigned at the same camp with you but instead he was sent to Busan." Jin answered. 

"I told him to wait for me here! Why is he like that, and right now where is he? Does that camp permit visitors?  I'm going there right now hyung." Yoongi said as he quickly grabbed his car keys. Jin tried stopping him but a small cough made Yoongi stop on his tracks.

"I am here..." a small voice from the corner said. "Jimin?" Yoongi asked in disbelief. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Busan? How come you're here?" Yoongi asked. "I got discharged early. I have health problems remember? They assigned me to the medic team and as a result I got an even earlier release date. I was happy and overwhelmed and then I called Jin hyung. I was just released from training a month ago." Jimin said as he walked towards Yoongi. 

  Yoongi couldn't believe his eyes, his beloved, his fiance, was standing in front of him. "Oh god baby, you scared me. I was about to go there and argue that you need to exempted due to your heart conditions. Gosh, don't do this anymore. You're officially banned from seeing Jin hyung and Namjoon. These two are really making your life harder." Yoongi said as he pulled the younger in embrace. Jin rolled his eyes at Yoongi's remark. "Make sure that he's banned and I'll make sure that you won't have a job tomorrow morning." Jin said.

"I'm just kidding hyung, hehe." Yoongi said in an apologetic tone.

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