Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You guys broke the Korean media. That was a great show you know?" Namjoon applauded the two as they got into the car.  The media were still following them and asking them questions about the engagement.  Jimin quickly got in the car and sat beside Yoongi on the back seat. "Shut up and take us home." Yoongi demanded as he grumbled on his seat. "That was quite a show there Yoonie." Jin laughed as he strapped on his seatbelt. "Just shut up and drive." Yoongi ordered. "Not yet, we're going to somewhere to eat." Namjoon said as he started the car and drove off.

"Today was absolutely tiring. At least she won't disturb us ever again." Jimin smiled at the ring on his finger. "It really suits your small and chubby finger." Yoongi smiled as he grabbed Jimin's hand and kissed it. "You really had to emphasize on the small eh?" Jimin frowned which made Yoongi laugh. "Your hand is really made just for me you know? It fits really well." Yoongi said as he entwined his hand with Jimin's. They all turned silent but drive was pleasant even with some small talks.

Jin tapped his husband's shoulder and pointed to a nearby fast food chain."How about we stop here?" Namjoon suggested. "Well I am craving for a burger or two." Jin said. "Burger sounds nice." Jimin smiled at the Namjin couple. "It's settled then, but I don't want Namjoon beside me. I don't want him to kill me. I still want to get married in a couple of months." Yoongi stated which made Namjoon frown.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

The next day seemed normal for Jimin and Yoongi. They both went to work in the same car. Yoongi dropped Jimin off in the office and was on his way to a meeting.  Jimin got out of the car and closed the car door. "I'll get you some lunch Jiminie. Stay put at the office and behave. Don't touch my computer or else I will kill you." Yoongi said with a threatening tone. "As if you can. You won't have a taste of this fine piece of ass." Jimin rebutted which made Yoongi grit his teeth. "Just don't touch anything there baby. Come here and give me a kiss. I'm running late." Yoongi said as he gestured Jimin to come closer. Jimin dipped his head and kissed Yoongi's soft lips. 

"Take care okay? Try not to die of too much boredom." Jimin said as he pulled away from the kiss. "Yes baby. That kiss will be enough to entertain me for a few hours or so. Might need a recharge later." Yoongi teased. "Just hurry up and bring me lunch okay?" Jimin turned a deep shade of red as he tried his best not to look embarrassed. "I love you Park Jimin." Yoongi said with a firm tone. Just about when Jimin was to answer, Yoongi immediately sped up and left Jimin.

When Jimin got inside the building, he felt that everyone was looking at him. Jimin looked down and clutched his bag tighter which was in front of his chest. Some workers greeted him "good morning" he politely nodded and greeted them in return but he couldn't shake away the feeling of anxiety filling up his heart. He quickly sped up walking and accidentally stopped when a guy stood still in front of him

An all too familiar lean male appeared in front of Jimin. "Jimin?" The all too familiar deep toned voice echoed through Jimin's ears. "Tae?" Jimin asked as he looked at the male. Jimin let out a sigh of relief as he was greeted with Taehyung's boxy smile.

"Why are you alone? Where's Jungkook? Why isn't he with you?" Jimin asked. "Oh you silly guy, he's at the meeting with Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung. They left earlier though." Taehyung answered. Taehyung caught a glimpse of Jimin's engagement ring and beamed at it.

"Woah, Jiminie! congrats on your engagement!" Taehyung squealed. "Shush Tae, everyone's gonna hear!" Jimin shushed his friend who only grinned in return. "Everyone knows already. The whole thing was broadcasted throughout the whole Korean media. We're all happy for you but there's a little issue." Taehyung said with a grim reaction.

"What are you talking about Tae?" Jimin asked. Taehyung only let out a sigh and pulled Jimin in Hoseok's office. "Wow, is this Hoseok hyung's new office?" Jimin asked in a surprised one as he admired the room. "It is, but that's not the point." Taehyung said as he sat down on a couch. "Well tell me, is it because of the haters again? Or is it about Suran?" Jimin asked. "No, it's not that, it's more of a personal thing or something.  Let's say it's within the law." Taehyung said as he had difficulty explaining. "

"Yoongi hyung needs to enlist for the Military Service." Taehyung let out a sigh which made Jimin froze. "But I thought he already finished it?" Jimin asked. "He told the media three years ago that he has already enlisted for the military." Jimin continued. "He decided to drop his first three albums during those years. It was a harsh time for him, he was a struggling artist and he barely survived each day." Taehyung said with a sad tone.

"He made songs yet no company wanted to accept his works. He sold his songs for a few cents and he was surprised when Namjoon came and along helped him out." Taehyung continued. "He was supposed to enlist but with Namjoon's help his albums started selling and he was making a name for himself. Fame came along and he pushed aside of going to the military." Taehyung said. 

"Tae, why didn't he tell me sooner?" Jimin groaned in frustration. "Jimin, it's only for a year or two. He'll be back soon." Taehyung said as he pat Jimin's back. "Hyung, you know he's very fragile. Something might happen to him!" Jimin panicked. "Jimin if you're worried about him getting a tan or being soaked in mud, he will be fine I guarantee you." Taehyung showed his boxy smile which eased Jimin.

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