Chapter Twenty-Five

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One year in the military went by very quickly for Jimin. After a year when Yoongi left, Jimin decided that he would enlist too in hopes of seeing Yoongi. Yet Jimin was stationed in Busan, his hometown. While Yoongi was stationed in Daegu. Luckily for Jimin, he only had one year for his military service. Jimin was sent home a month early before Yoongi's discharge from the military.

Since Jimin had asthma, he was assigned to the Paramedics team to serve for the military. He was trained by medical professionals and they taught Jimin everything about first-aid. Jimin's field work was in the Military hospital and there he helped treated soldiers with different ailments.

When he was going to be discharged from the military, the Korean press and media welcomed his return. Hwasa and Jihyun picked him up and they went to the cemetery to visit their mother. 

"Hwasa noona." Jimin started. "Yeah?" Hwasa asked. "Thank you so much for taking care of us." Jimin said as he gave Hwasa a hug. "Oh you silly boy, chin up and don't cry. Jihyun might think that his older brother is softie." Hwasa joked. "I am a softie noona!" Jimin pouted which made Jihyun and Hwasa laugh.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"I still can't believe you finished your military service first. Well you were an outstanding cadet, that probably contributed to your early release." Jin stated as he handed a coffee to the younger. Jin visited Jimin the following day of his military discharge. Jimin was currently staying in his shared apartment with Yoongi.

"I know, I had health problems and they just put me first-aid duties. That's what I mostly did the whole year, sure I did have the basic drills but most of the time I was helping out in the clinic." Jimin answered. "Did they teach you how to shoot guns?" Jin asked. "Yes they did." Jimin answered.

Jimin looked at the heart-shaped lamp on his coffee table. "Do you miss him?" Jin asked. "Of course I do hyung, it's just that he never opened his lamp." Jimin said with a sad tone. "Cheer up Jimin, it's not like Yoongi will be sent to war or something instantly. He's just training even more. The training in Daegu is different compared to other locations." Jin explained as he tried to reassure Jimin.

"I just have a bad feeling hyung. He isn't responding to my texts and letters." Jimin let out a sigh before drinking his coffee. "Enough with the negative thoughts Jimin, this is Yoongi that we are talking about. Min Yoongi is a strong man and he is always ready to put his life on the line for others. He is a very noble man. He'll be home soon." Jin promised which made Jimin smile a little.

"I have to go Jimin. Namjoon is on his way here and we're going out to have lunch. Do want to come along with us?" Jin offered. Jimin shook his head and politely declined. "No thank you hyung, you two should enjoy your lunch date. I still have to pick Jihyun up from school." Jimin said. "Alright, take care." Jin said as he left a kiss on Jimin's forehead.

Jimin looked at his coffee and let out a sigh before drinking it. "Is it just wrong to miss him like that? Why is the world so unfair to me?" Jimin groaned. Jimin decided to open the television and searched for a good show to watch.

"BREAKING NEWS! An exquisite club in Seoul was bombed just a few hours ago, witnesses say at least twenty survivors escaped and are now being treated in the Jeon Hospitals. Police are looking for a missing man named-" Jimin switched the channel to a happier one.

"Why is the news being so negative?" Jimin wondered. Jimin found himself watching a replay of Agust D's concert in Daegu. "He really is a great rapper." Jimin muttered as he watched Yoongi spit out his verses for Cypher 2.

"Gosh, I'm getting sleepy." Jimin said as he rubbed his eyes and sleep started taking him over. What Jimin didn't know was that the lamp was starting to emit a soft glow. Jimin's soft snores and the sound of the TV filled the room.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Hyung!" Jihyun waved as Jimin ran towards the waiting area. "I am so sorry, I fell asleep!" Jimin apologized to Jihyun's teacher. "It's okay, just please be responsible. Jihyun also is at the age where he needs to be independent, he can probably go home on his own." The teacher advised. Jimin only nodded and grabbed Jihyun's bag.

They got in the car and the drive was slow but peaceful. "How's military service hyung? Was it difficult?" Jihyun asked. "It is difficult, but I didn't have to undergo the harsh trainings. I was put in the medics team." Jimin smiled at his brother and messed up his hair.

"Hyung! That took me hours to fix!" Jihyun pouted which made Jimin smile. "Do you have anyone you like?" Jimin asked. "I do but he's not gay." Jihyun said before letting out a sigh. "Oh you poor little boy, I'm sure he'll come around soon." Jimin assured.

"Haven't you heard hyung? Since Emperor Kim was overthrown by his sons, there will be lots of changes. The monarchy is going to be abolished soon hyung, we'll be a democratic country and the new government might not agree on same sex marriage in the country. Or maybe they'll just revise the old laws." Jihyun complained. "Let's have fate decide shall we?" Jimin smiled.

They arrived home and Hwasa was busy cooking. "Noona! We're here!" Jihyun shouted. "Dinner is almost ready, clean yourselves up. Jimin turn on the TV for me please, change it to the news." Hwasa requested. Jimin went to the living room and turned on the TV.

"Agust D or known as Min Yoongi is going to be discharged from his military service tomorrow. Fans are excited and are currently waiting in front of the camp. They have their own respective tents already set up." The reporter announced. 

"Yoongi's going home!" Jimin exclaimed.

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