Chapter Seventeen

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"Your work with Kim Taehyung's debut album was outstanding, Yoongi." The Financial Manager remarked. "Indeed it is. He put lots of effort in making the songs." Yoongi stated as he fiddled with his pen.

Currently Yoongi and Jimin were in a business meeting discuss about future sales and Jimin's concept for his upcoming debut. As usual, the meeting was boring and the only thing entertaining Yoongi was Jimin's serious face. It made him smile.

"Yoongi hyung? Are you smiling?" Namjoon asked in a surprised tone. Everyone in the room was surprised too and Yoongi let out a sigh. "Shush. Mind your own business." Yoongi stated. "Sorry sir Yoongi, it's just that you rarely smile." An employee said which made everyone nod.

Yoongi groaned which made Namjoon laugh. "Let's go back to the meeting please. Let's discuss about the future marketing plans for Tae's albums." Jimin smiled.

"We also need to talk about your future concepts." Namjoon added which made Yoongi nod.

"Since Mamamoo already has the fierce and strong concept and Taehyung has the boy next door yet sexy concept, what should Jimin's be?" One of the board members asked Yoongi.

"I think judging from his vocals, he would be better suited for a cute and sweet concept. I plan to like give him a different concept each comeback. I have a lot of themes and concepts in mind, I think Jimin would be able to nail them off." Yoongi explained. The board members nodded and Jimin looked at Yoongi with a smile.

"Alright, why don't we talk about those future concepts and see what should come first and how many songs should he make in each upcoming album." The board members nodded which made Yoongi groan.

This is going to be a long meeting.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

It was now three in the morning and Min Yoongi was currently in his studio. He is currently working on a new song for Jimin since the board members requested that they hear Jimin's vocals in a song.

He stayed in the office because he wanted to show the board what Jimin can do with his talents. He was supposed to tag along with Hoseok and the others to have a celebratory drinking for Taehyung's successful debut album. Instead he decided to stay at the office and finish his work.

Yoongi's only companion was the Lovers lamp which kept on blinking. Yoongi thought that it was cute at first since Jimin owned the same lamp as his. But now it was driving him nuts. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed Hoseok's number.

Yoongi was clearly having second thoughts on calling Hoseok. First, Hoseok was drunk, second, Hoseok could be fucking someone right now and lastly, it's three in the morning.

To Yoongi's surprise, Hoseok answered the phone with a groggy "hello".

"Hoseok, I swear I'm going nuts because of this stupid lamp. It keeps on fucking blinking!" Yoongi angrily screamed at the phone.
"Hyung, why don't you just find the owner of the other heart?" Hoseok said in a groggy voice.

"I already fucking know who the person is so what the fuck am I going to do?" Yoongi continued. Hoseok squealed on the phone which made Yoongi end the call.

"Ugh. That stupid Hoseok. Giving me this lamp and wanting me to go back to Jimin. Stupid, stupid stupid! " Yoongi said as he continued his work.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Ugh he dropped the call. I wanted to ask if already know who it is." Hoseok said as he rubbed his temples. "Gosh my head hurts, I shouldn't have been drinking too much." Hoseok whined and he froze when he felt the covers shift. "Hoseok why are you so noisy at this unholy time?" A voice beside Hoseok groaned as he got up. "Shit. You're real." Hoseok muttered as he looked at the man beside him.

"Of course baby I'm real. I'm still your Suho." Suho said in a groggy voice as he smiled at Hoseok. "Fuck. Why did I let you take me home again?" Hoseok whined. "You were drinking at the bar which I owned. You were making a scene and scared Huening Kai, my newest bartender on his first day at the job. He called me and I surprised to see you there." Suho said.

"Can you go home now? I'm really not in the mood to talk to you or even see you." Hoseok pleaded as he remembered all the sufferings that Suho has caused him. "Baby, I'd want to go home but you told me to stay. Heck, you even kissed me." Suho smiled as he gently carressed the ends of Hoseok's hair.

"Please just go Suho. You might hurt me again. Please I'm begging you, just leave." Hoseok started crying as he looked at Suho. But instead of leaving, Suho pulled Hoseok in a tight embrace and kissed his hair.

"I know I was a piece of shit in the past, but baby please remember that I'm a changed man. I already changed for you. I'm doing my best to have you back in my life. I want to prove to you that I'll treat you better." Suho whispered as he gently stroked Hoseok's hair.

"You broke me so much in the past Suho. I don't even know if I should trust you anymore." Hoseok said as he rested his head on Suho's shoulder. "You should baby, you should." Suho said as he kissed Hoseok's forehead.

"I'll do my best to forgive you Suho, but please don't expect too much." Hoseok let out a sigh. "I know, and that is already fine enough for me baby." Suho continued.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Hyung, why is your lamp always blinking?" Jihyun asked in a groggy voice. "Oh Jihyun you're awake! Did it wake you?" Jimin asked as he snapped out of his reverie. "No hyung. I just wonder why is that lamp so precious to you?" Jihyun asked.

"Come here and sit down beside me. I'll tell you the story about this lamp." Jimin said as Jihyun excitedly sat beside down his hyung.

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