Chapter Two

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(Picture above is Taehyung's lamp)

With a shawarma in hand, Yoongi walks inside the beautiful building of RM Productions. The receptionist, Sonwoo greeted him. He smiled at the lady and went to the elevator.

On his way out, other staff greeted him. Some were even surprised to see that Min Yoongi, the cold yet beautiful man was actually smiling and greeting them in return.

"Good morning hyung! I got you coffee!" His trainee, named Kim Taehyung flashed his boxy smile at him. "Thank you Tae. Why don't we walk together towards my studio and eat breakfast there?" Yoongi suggested.

"Sure hyung!" Taehyung's eyes widened with Yoongi's request. "Alright then. How's your song working out?" Yoongi asked as they walked towards his studio.

"It's actually good hyung. I'm getting the hang of it. All I need is someone to sing the lyrics. My voice is too deep for the song." Taehyung let out a sigh as he remembered his problem.

Yoongi opened the door to his studio, revealing a complete set of mixers, speakers, keyboards and different brands of headphones. Taehyung is still completely mesmerized at the beauty of Yoongi's equipment each time he enters his room. 

They placed down the food and coffee on the nearby table. The two had a conversation about music, idols and the recent beef with fandoms which seemed to entertain Taehyung.

"Package for you sir Min. It just arrived a few minutes ago." Jeon Jungkook, Namjoon's trainee said while barging in the studio. "Thank you Kook. Please knock on the door next time." Yoongi smiled at the young male. "Sorry sir. I'll have to go now." Jungkook flashed a bunny smile.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Yoongi said as he took a bite on his shawarma. "I saw an angel." Taehyung said without thinking as he sipped on his coffee.

"You like Jungkook?" Yoongi asked. "I only saw him today hyung. I doubt that he has the same Lovers lamp as I do. I doubt he even owns one." Taehyung scoffed as he threw away the idea of Jungkook owning a lamp.

"You have a Lovers lamp?" Yoongi asked his trainee. "Yeah." Taehyung answered. "What's the design?" Yoongi asked. "I got a gun design. It's pretty weird, I know. The lamp actually blinks sometimes." Taehyung smiles, recalling the fond memories of the lamp.

"Do you really believe in the story of the lamp?" Yoongi asked in a curious tone as he continued chewing his food. "I think so. I have read stories of people meeting their loved ones because of the lamps. Some relationships actually work out but some don't. Maybe that's why those lamps are so popular." Taehyung continued.

"Hmm..." Yoongi hummed as he absorbed Taehyung's answer. "Do you own a lamp hyung?" Taehyung asked out of sheer curiosity. "I actually have one. It was a birthday gift from my best friend two years ago." Yoongi answered.

"What's the design?" Taehyung asked. "Just a plain heart. The color is a faint orange, or yellow. I really don't care." Yoongi said as he finished his shawarma and drank his coffee.

"Enough talk about stupid lamps, let's get to work. Namjoon is going to be here soon. He'll be introducing you to your first assignment." Yoongi informed Taehyung.

"First assignment?" Taehyung asked. "You mean, I'll be working with someone?" Taehyung continued. "Yes. You'll be working with a solo artist. I have already taught you what I know. I gave Namjoon my evaluation on your performance, I am proud to say that you'll be a great producer soon." Yoongi smiled proudly at his trainee.

"Thank you so much hyung!" Taehyung cried as he gave his hyung a tight hug.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚

"Fucking finally! Thank god I already finished a part of it." Yoongi let out a sigh of relief as he put his headphones down. He was busy working on the fourth song in Taehyung's upcoming album. It still had no title and he was struggling to think of one.

"Why am I always struggling?" Yoongi groaned as he massaged his temples. He checked his phone and realized that it was already nine in the evening. Most of the employees have gone home, only Yoongi and Namjoon were the only ones left in the office.

"Hyung it's late, let's go to my place." Namjoon said as he knocked on the door. "What's the event?" Yoongi asked as he opened the door for Namjoon. "Today's our anniversary. Jin actually called your cell a few times." Namjoon informed.

Yoongi checked his phone and his eyes widened seeing that Jin left thirty missed calls. He relaized that his phone was on silent mode. "Just let me pack my stuff. I'll meet you in the lobby." Yoongi said as he shut the door on Namjoon's face.

He started packing up his important stuff, he grabbed his laptop and his chargers. "Where the hell did I put those speakers again?" Yoongi groaned as he remembered the speakers were in a high place, above his workplace.

Yoongi grabbed a stool, placing it near the work table. He jumped on it and grabbed the small bluetooth speakers that he was looking for. His eyebrows became scrunched as he noticed the brown box which was covered with packaging tape.

He grabbed the box and went down the stool. "What did I put in this box again?" Yoongi wondered as he grabbed a cutter and opened the box.

His eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the contents of the box. There were dried bouquets of flowers, a small purple bear, polaroid pictures. Yet what caught Yoongi's eye was the sealed letter covered with various stickers and  fake gems. He hesitated to open the letter yet he ripped it open and forced himself to read it.

"To Yoongi,
I'm sorry. I had to leave you because I had no choice.

Yoongi's teeth chattered in anger as he ripped the letter into pieces. He quickly grabbed his bag and several equipment before leaving his studio.

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