Chapter Nine

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(Picture above is Hoseok's lamp)



"What are you doing here hyung?" Jimin asked. "I could ask you the same thing too. I needed to be here because I'm a producer." Yoongi explained.

It was surprising for Yoongi that he wasn't annoyed at the younger compared to when he saw him for the first time. "I came here to support Hwasa." Jimin said. "She's your girlfriend or something?" Yoongi asked. "Oh no. I'm actually her cousin. Me and Jihyun are her only family left." Jimin forced a smile on his ĺips as he answered Yoongi.

Jimin had to be brave for Jihyun and Hwasa. The reason why he wanted to join the company is because he wants to support Hwasa and Jihyun for their everyday needs. With Hwasa being the eldest, she joined the company to debut as an idol to help pay the bills.

The death of his mother hit Jimin really hard. Not just emotionally but also financially. He had to borrow from his Mom's life savings just to give his mother a proper funeral. Jihyun was still very young at the age of thirteen and he would never allow Jihyun to be working at such a young age.

"Jimin. I've been calling your attention and you've been spaced out for the past few minutes." Yoongi said as he called his attention once again. "Oh sorry hyung. I was just spacing out." Jimin apologized.

"Are you thinking about your mom?" Yoongi asked whih made Jimin feel sad. "You still know me very well hyung." Jimìn said, making Yoongi surprised. "Of course I was thinking about mom. She was a really great person yet she had to be taken away from this world." Jimin said as he fought the urge to cry in front of Yoongi.

As Yoongi looked at his past lover, he felt sadness in the male's voice. Jimin looked really dull and lifeless. Sure the make-up did its work but only for a very short time. Yoongi felt a thick aura of awkwardness and sadness surrounding them.

"Do you want to go out and have some coffee?" Yoongi asked out of the blue which almost made him curse out loud. Yoongi mentally slapped himself for asking Jimin. He was supposed to hate him for cheating and leaving him for no reason at all.

"I-I'd love to hyung but when?" Jimin was surprised when Yoongi asked him. There was still bad blood of course but it was only one sided since it Yoongi who hated him.

"How about before the party? Hoseok wants to celebrate the success of his first non-rapper group. I know a great cafe near Hoseok's place." Yoongi suggested.  "Sounds great hyung." Jimin smiled, his eyes forming into small crescents.

Little did Min Yoongi know that Jung Hoseok was actually listening to the two's conversation.

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