Chapter Fifteen

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After a couple of beers which Jimin almost forgot that he brought, it was safe to say that Min Yoongi was officially drunk. Jimin however was feeling a little light headed. He didn't drink that much compared to Yoongj. The two arrived at Yoongi's apartment, Holly barking happily seeing them together.

Jimin almost teared up seeing drunk Yoongi hug Holly. "Hollyyyyy your mama Minnie is 'ere! Give your mama hugss!" Yoongi slurred as he hugged Holly. Yoongi tried to stand up while holding Holly, but he almost fell. Luckily Jimin grabbed his arm for balance.

"Minnieee lookie at Holly!" Yoongi proudly showed Holly to Jimin. "Holly baby, hello I missed you! You're all grown up now! Does your father feed you well?" Jimin happily said as he petted Holly. Holly happily barked seeing two of his parents finally reunited.

After everything that happened, Jimin is now helping Yoongi to his room.  Jimin was kind of surprised to see a huge portrait of him carrying Holly which was framed in Yoongi's room. The stuffed toys that Jimin gave Yoongi were still there.

Jimin suddenly felt guilty when he saw the velvety red colored box on the elder's vanity table. He was about to propose him but he was caught cheating.

"You still kept everything after all these years." Jimin muttered as he looked at the pictures in Yoongi's room. Yoongi was actually fast asleep on his bed. He was still wearing his shoes which made Jimin chuckle.

Jimin helped Yoongi remove his shoes and was caught off guard when he saw an all too famillar lamp on Yoongi's bedside dresser.

It was the same lamp that he owned. It was also a heart shaped lamp which they both owned. Jimin cursed Hoseok for tricking them both. This was actually Hoseok's plan all along, to buy them the same lamp so that they will realize that they still both need each other.

Jimin let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. He carefully picked out Yoongi's Kumamon pajamas which he remembered that were Yoongi's favorites.

He slowly undressed the older male who was still sleeping like a rock. He slowly unbuttoned the dress shirt he was wearing and at the same time he also unbuckled the elder's belt. He slowly removed his pants too, leaving him  only wearing boxers.

Jimin quickly put on the Kumamon pajamas on Yoongi, which luckily he was able to do it quickly without waking the elder up. "Thank goodness he's still asleep." Jimin muttered as he sat on the bed.

The Lightest Touch [𝓨𝓞𝓞𝓝𝓜𝓘𝓝]Where stories live. Discover now