Chapter Sixteen

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"Hyung." Jimin called out. "I made ramyeon! Hurry the fuck up hyung, it's going to get cold if you don't come down." Jimin yelled. "It's early in the morning and you're screeching like a bitch." Yoongi groaned in annoyance.

"I made breakfast for you so shut the fuck up already hyung. You don't deserve my world famous ramyeon." Jimin argued. "World famous? It looks horrible enough that Gordon Ramsay is going to shove it to your face." Yoongi joked which made Jimin pout.

"That's really mean hyung." Jimin pouted. "I was just joking Minnie. It looks appetizing compared to your cooking before." Yoongi smiled. "So your saying that my cooking sucked when were dating?" Jimin raised his brow.

"No. What I'm saying is that you really improved when it comes go cooking." Yoongi said as he scooped the noodles from the pot. "This really looks appetizing. I'm not sure if I even bought ramyeon." Yoongi said. "I only made the mix. Thank goodness that you actually have noodles." Jimin said as he scooped noodles for himself.

"It tastes good Minnie." Yoongi said as he noisily slurped the noodles. "Afterwards you need to hurry up and take a bath. The board members texted me about Taehyung's success and their future plans for him." Jimin said as he showed his phone.

Yoongi also grabbed his phone and read the text that the board members sent him. "I'm going to take a shower. You should go home and take one too. There's going to be a meeting in a few hours." Yoongi said as he removed his shirt in front of Jimin.

Jimin was actually drooling at the sight of Yoongi's body. "Holy shit." Jimin muttered. Jimin remembered the first time he saw Yoongi topless when he accidentally entered the men's shower room.

It was actually after Yoongi's first championship game. Jimin decided to go to the shower rooms to smoke a cigarette. That was their first encounter and at the same time which was when Yoongi fell for Jimin.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

Yoongi felt nothing but blissfully happy with his life. He has supportive parents, great friends and of course he's the MVP of today's game. Sure he was lonely since he didn't have a love but it was fine. He turned the shower head on and relaxed under the steaming water. 

His relaxation was cut off shortly when he heard footsteps entering the locker room. He heard something switch open and he smelled smoke. "Was someone smoking?" Yoongi wondered. He decided to play a prank on the person, he quickly grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist.

He slowly  tip-toed out of his cubicle and saw a pink hair boy smoking. Yoongi smirked, knowing that the boy was so engrossed in smoking. The boy opened his mouth and started to sing , which made Yoongi stop on his tracks.

"I want you to be your light baby 

You should be your light..."

 "Beautiful..." Yoongi absentmindedly said as he looked at the pink haired boy who sang  beautifully and a had a cigarette in hand.

"Holy shit!" The boy quickly stood up like his ass caught on fire. He threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. "Please don't report me to the teacher, I'm an honor student with straight A's!" The boy panicked which made Yoongi chuckle.

"I won't report you to the teacher if you sing that song again." Yoongi stated. "But my voice is ugly. Also can you uhm...put on some clothes?"   The boy blushed as he pointed at Yoongi's toned body.

Yoongi  quickly ran to the lockers and put on his clothes, he almost slipped but he went back to the pink haired boy who was still a blushing mess. 

"My name is Min Yoongi, what's yours?" Yoongi introduced. "I'm Park Jimin." Jimin said. 

"You know for someone so beautiful like you, you shouldn't be smoking cigarettes." Yoongi pried. "You know for someone who has a perfect life, you shouldn't be meddling in other people's lives." Jimin frowned as he pointed at Yoongi.  

"My life is far from perfect Park Jimin, who are you to judge me?" Yoongi responded making Jimin scoff. "You wish. I'll have to leave, you're being a bother." Jimin said as he left the room. "Stay." Yoongi said which surprised them both.

"What?" Jimin asked in a puzzled tone as he looked at Yoongi. "I said stay. Please don't leave. I won't report you to the teacher if you talk to me." Yoongi said. "What will you get out this Min Yoongi? Perhaps a chance to bully me or blackmail me?" Jimin raised his brow. 

"No. I'd like to know you better." Yoongi blushed as he said those words. "How cute Yoongi. The great and almighty Min Yoongi is a blushing mess. " Jimin let out a beautiful laugh which made Yoongi stare at him. "Your laugh is really pretty you know." Yoongi said. "Min Yoongi gosh, stop that!" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Stop what?" Yoongi asked.

"You know damn well that you're flirting with me!" Jimin angrily said. "I was? Holy shit." Yoongi said as he realized that Jimin was right. "Well you are cute! I can't help myself!" Yoongi defended himself. 

"Park and Min! What the hell are you two doing here?" The coach asked as he entered the shower room. "Coach sorry! Me and Jimin were just talking! We'll be leaving shortly." Yoongi instantly said as he grabbed Jimin's hand and ran away.


"Why did you defend me Min Yoongi? You really are going to blackmail me and bully me right?" Jimin asked as they ran. "Like I said Park Jimin, you're cute as hell and I want to know you more. I want you to sing to me everyday and also I want to see if we'd end up as a couple in the future." Yoongi said as they stopped in front of one of the classrooms.

"Min Yoongi you really are weird. I hope I don't see you around." Jimin said as he pulled his arm and left the hallways.

(A/n: I know it was late but currently I'm having problems at home which lead to depressive episodes and stuff. I'm fine as of now but I need rest. This story won't go on hiatus.)

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