Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Jimin let's talk." Yoongi said as he stopped the car in an empty lot. "Why does this feel like you're going to kill me here?" Jimin said with an empty tone. "Relax, this not a horror fic. We're just sorting things out." Yoongi dryly laughed. "This sounds so bad." Jimin groaned as he got out of the car. "Why did you bring me here then?" Jimin asked.

"I'll cut to the chase. The pictures aren't true. I was drunk. She probably drugged me. I was so dizzy at that time and I couldn't walk properly." Yoongi defended himself as he grabbed Jimin's shoulders. "How can you be so sure that I can believe you?" Jimin said as he removed Yoongi's hands away from him. "It's because I love you Park Jimin." Yoongi said.

"Even during those recording sessions she made attempts to be in a relationship with me. Of course I didn't agree to it. I didn't even felt that comfortable working with her in the first place." Yoongi stated.

"Why didn't you tell Namjoon hyung or Jin hyung in the first place?" Jimin asked. "I didn't want to because this collaboration means a lot to to me and especially Suran. She's a struggling artist you know? You of all people should know that." Yoongi explained. "I DO understand!" Jimin cried put as the tears from his eyes threatened to fall on his cheeks. "Baby don't cry." Yoongi said with a soft tone. "I just hate you so much. I wish you should have been more careful about your surroundings." Jimin cried as he hit Yoongi's chest. Yoongi only held Jimin tighter and hugged him until Jimin could only cry.

"That night you didn't come home. You probably slept with her. Am I not enough to be your partner? Is it because you're just bicurious and you're just experimenting with me?" Jimin asked. "No baby, no!" Yoongi cried too.

"All I want is to be the one who would always be there to support you." Jimin cried even more. "Baby, you're already doing a great with that. I love you so much baby you know?" Yoongi assured which made the younger male calm down. "I'm just scared. I lost you once and I don't want to be alone anymore." Jimin explained.

"I'm sorry okay? I promise that I'll deal with the media soon. I promise that there'll be good news soon." Yoongi said. Jimin only nodded and rested his head on Yoongi's chest.


💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Good afternoon everyone, thank you for all gathering here today." Yoongi said. Yoongi is currently at a press conference with the whole Korean media watching them. Yoongi looked at Jimin who was in the audience and nodded. The other male smiled and cheered him on silently.

"The reason I all gathered you here today is because of the issue that happened last week at the show which I previously guested on." Yoongi paused and cleared his throat. "Miss Suran, who is currently seating beside me, is not my girlfriend." Everyone in the conference started asking questions at the same time.

"Silence please, I'm not yet finished." Yoongi scolded which made the room turn silent. "I am going to press charges against Miss Suran." Everyone in the room now gasped in surprise. "Yoongi! You can't do that! I've done nothing wrong!" Suran cried out.

"Two weeks before your teaser for the upcoming album, you texted me that you wanted to meet up. I went to the bar at the exact time you wanted to meet. I was pissed since I thought it was about work but it turns out that she only wanted to spend some time with me. She offered to buy me drinks and even if I said no she still insisted. Yoongi paused and looked at Suran who was shocked. "Suran then drugged my drinks. I kept drinking drink after drink. I can hold my alcohol well, I rarely got drunk." Yoongi continued.

"The infamous photo is actually Suran putting me in the car while I was drugged and unconscious. I woke up the next day in an unfamiliar bed and I found out from the staff that I was violated by Suran while I was sleeping soundly. I have the CCTV footage right here too. Those reasons are more than enough to press charges against her." Yoongi said and nodded. The police quickly came and arrested a very surprised Suran.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"I want to end this conference with a very special announcement." Yoongi said. "Baby come up here." Yoongi said to Jimin. Everyone in the news was shocked once again when they saw Park Jimin come up the stage.

"This man, is my first love. I dated him back in high school. We broke up because I was too selfish and young. I didn't hear out his reasons at all. Right now, we started dating a couple of months ago. He became my trainee and I helped become an idol. Park Jimin, is more than meets the eye. I love him so much. And today I, Min Yoongi will be proposing to him." Yoongi said which shocked Jimin.

"Park Jimin, my beloved." Yoongi said as he knelt down and with a ring on his hand. "Baby we may not have had the best start, we've been plagued with scandals and issues since we're both idols and famous personalities. But none of those matter anymore. I want to be yours, your husband, your reason to smile, your euphoria, your epiphany and your serendipity. So I ask, will you marry me?" Yoongi said as he smiled at his partner.

Jimin was becoming a sobbing mess and he quickly nodded. Yes baby, I do! I'll marry you." Jimin cried. Everyone in the conference applauded. The photographers happily snapped pictures at the happy couple. "It's going to be the wedding of the century then." Yoongi let out a sigh. "It doesn't have to be that grand." Jimin smiled.

A/n: I admit, I almost forgot that this book existed. I'm sorry. The story is ending soon YEE

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