Chapter Ten

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"I think people are still not drunk. It's still early hyung. It's like nine in the evening." Jimin said as he walked beside Yoongi. The two were currently on their way to Hoseok's house. The wind was quite chilly but it was perfect for the two. Nights like these reminded both of them of the time they spent together as a couple.

"It's a Jung Hoseok party. People are going to get drunk the second they step into his house. Hope throws really fucking wild parties. Stay close to Jungkook and Taehyung if you want to be safe." Yoongi said as he rubbed his hands together due to the cold.

"I missed everyone you know?" Jimin pursed his lips. "They missed you too don't worry. Especially Jin." Yoongi said. "After tge brief silence, they finally found themselves in front of the Jung residence.

"Hoseok lives alone right?" Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded in agreement. "Oh. I thought he had roomates." Jimin said. "Yeah he did. After you left, Joon and Jin got engaged and decided to move out. Hoseok gave me an offere to live there but I rejected it." Yoongi said.

"Why?" Jimin asked out of sheer curiousity. "Hoseok still loved me at that time. If I accepted his offer then Hoseok would be hurt. He would be a rebound and we'll just end up hurting each other." Yoongi said. "How do you know?" Jimin asked. "Believe me, we tried dating and it ended badly." Yoongi said. "Let's go inside shall we?" Yoongi said as he slowly opened the door.

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They were welcomed with the scent of alcohol, smoke and sweat when they entered the room. "Oh wow. It's really something." Jimin said as he covered his nose. There were bottles on the floor, there were some people making out and some were drunk as hell. It was kind of disgusting for Jimin since he rarely went to parties like these. "Where's Hoseok?" Yoongi asked as he saw Jungkook grabbing chips from the table. 

"He's in the porch. I think he's talking to Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung? I'm not sure." Jungkooj answered. "Alright, thanks. Don't get too drunk tonight Jeon Jungkook. Taehyung is a really bad drunk and it's actually a pain to drag his ass back home." Yoongi said, making Jungkook chuckle. "I'll be fine hyung, besides I asked Hoseok hyung if I could spend the night." Jungkook informed.

Yoongi nodded and grabbed Jimin's wrist. Yoongi dragged Jimin towards the porch and hey were both surprised to see Hoseok being comforted by the Namjin couple. "What happened here hyung?" Yoongi asked Jin who was rubbing circles on Hoseok's back.

"Suho's back." Namjoon pursed his lips. Yoongi was surprised to hear that name again. That name was responsible for Hoseok's depression, anxiety and insomia. The way he hurt Hoseok almost cost him his life. He remembers the time when he almost beat up Suho for cheating on Hoseok.

Hoseok was highly unstable with his mental health and Suho decided to manipulate him because of this. He threatened Hoseok that he would leave him if he didn't get what he wants. Yoongi clenched his fist, prepared to punch the hell out of Suho who made Hoseok cry.

Jimin was silent and looked at Hoseok. He wasn't used to see his hyung cry like that. "Why don't you guys bring Hoseok upstairs? We'll take care of the party." Jimin suggested. "I'm fine Chim. I just need some time to reorganize my thoughts. I just thought I was over Suho but looks like I'm not." Hoseok admitted.

"Hoseok hyung, someone named Jackson Wang is here and he's looking you, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung." Hwasa said as she tried her best not to make it seem awkward. "Finally that bastard decides to show up." Hoseok groaned and wiped his tears away. "Stay here Jimin. I'll be back." Yoongi said which made Jimin nod. "Baby I'll be back okay?" Namjoon said before kissing Jin's lips softly.

"Lovesick idiots." Hwasa said as she rolled her eyes. The three hyungs left the porch, leaving Jin and Jimin.

"How's the party for you Chim?" Jin asked as a he took a sip of his beer. "It's good. It's my first time attending a party like this." Jimin admitted whih made Jin laugh. "You're adorable. I know that Yoongi isn't the party type so he's never brought you to parties like this." Jin smiled. "Hyung that was in the past. It's really weird that he's been nice to me lately. He was so mad when we first saw each other again." Jimin let out a sigh as he recalled the painful memory.

"Well he did caught you cheating with another guy in your shared apartment." Jin said. "I had no choice hyung." Jimin groaned as he recalled the painful memory. "I just wanted what's best for Hwasa noona and Jihyun. That man I cheated on was very rich.  Hwasa noona was in her last year in college, Jihyun was very young and Mom was showing symptoms of her sickness. It was a tough time. Hwasa noona and I were working but we couldn't make enough. I had to sacrifice Yoongi's love for money. I didn't want to see my family suffering if I'm the only one happy." Jimin's lips trembled as he told his reason why he cheated.

"Oh Jimin honey, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jin gave Jimin a warm embrace. Jimin started sobbing quietly on Jin's shoulders. "Now now little one, don't cry too much. Yoongi might think I bullied you." Jin joked which made Jimin laugh.

Jimin was already content with what he and Yoongi had. Sure it was kind of different but it was really a good start. Baby steps as what Taehyung would call it, but it was more than enough. "Stop crying already Jimin. I don't want Namjoon to get turned off when we're going to have sex. "Eww hyung, I did not need to know that!" Jimin groaned. "At least you stopped crying." Jin let out a windshield wiper laugh.

Little did Jin and Jimin know that Min Yoongi was leaning against the wall, listening to their conversation.

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