Chapter Twenty-One

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"Min Yoongi, what are your plans for this year? You have two new artists under your care and you have recently won an award for being the Producer of the Year. The future looks bright for your company." The host said as she interviewed Min Yoongi.

"It was such a great honor to receive this award. I didn't know that Taehyung's song was the reason for this win. For plans, I guess my two understudies would be either receiving a new song. Burt my goal for the two is Billboard music awards." Yoongi answered. 

"Billboard music awards? That's an international award. You got some pretty high hopes there Min Yoongi."  The host laughed together with the audience. Yoongi smiled and looked at Jimin who was at the backstage area. "It may seem impossible for a Korean producer for me but have you seen CL and also Psy? They both made it to the Top 200 on the Billboard Music Charts." Yoongi spoke which earned countless amounts of whispers and chattering from the audience.

"Alright, let's move on to the next question then. There are rumors that you and Suran would be working together for a new project, is this true?" The host asked. "Well." Yoongi said as he fished his coat pocket and showed Suran's newest album. "Listen to 'Wine', it's the song which I worked on with her. Buy her album to show your full support to her." Yoongi said as the crowd cheered in surprise and happiness. 

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"That was sure a hell of an interview. Please stop accepting television interviews already for me Joon." Yoongi said as he opened a bottle of water. "You did great out here hyung." Namjoon praised. "Oh shut up Joon, you know how much I hate talking to people like that you know? All they do is ask you uncomfortable questions and then they would laugh and trample on your dreams." Yoongi said before drinking his water.

"Now, now, that's just part of their job. They need to get the juicy details in order to have their show ratings increase and to also stay relevant." Namjoon explained. "I don't care. I just want to go home and spend the whole day with Jimin." Yoongi let out an exhausted sigh. "I know you do, that's why Jimin is here you know?" Namjoon said as he pointed at Jimin who was walking towards them.

"Oh gosh, hyung you looked absolutely cute and nervous at the same time." Jimin exclaimed. "Why the hell is nobody fixing his make-up?" Namjoon asked and the make-up stylists quickly fixed Yoongi's make-up. "Do I have to go back there?" Yoongi groaned in annoyance. "I already know what the fuck are they going to ask. They'll probably ask about my current relationships and probably show photographs about it right?" Yoongi groaned.  

"You're probably right but I think there are some more that they will ask." Namjoon said as he pat Yoongi's back. "Min Yoongi-ssi, you're up next in one minute." The producer said as he approached them. "It's going to be over soon. You can do it!" Jimin smiled at his boyfriend which gave a pout. "I'll be sitting in front of you okay? I'll be there to cheer you on hyung!" Jimin continued before leaving them. 

"Gosh Joon, bringing Jimin here sure was really effective." Jin remarked as he fixed his lover's collar. "I know. But why am I having a bad feeling?" Namjoon asked as he watched Yoongi's retreating figure. "What do you mean Joonie?" Jin asked with a worried tone. "I must be hungry or something." Namjoon said. 

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Welcome back to our channel and here we are again with the top producer in Korea, Min Yoongi!" The host greeted again and Yoongi gave a small wave. "So glad to have you here again, I still have some questions to ask about and of course we're going to have some games to make this show enjoyable." The host continued. 

Yoongi gave a fake smile and decided to just go with the flow. "Alright then, ask away." Yoongi smiled. "I know that most of the fans here are curious about your love life. Recently you have been working with Suran right?" The host asked. "Yes." Yoongi quickly replied and pressed his lips together.  "We're actually wondering if anything happened at the bar where you two agreed to meet up?" The host asked which received ooh's and ah's from the audience.  

"Suran is a good friend of mine." Yoongi answered. Yoongi glanced towards the place where Jimin was sitting in the audience. "I actually like someone else." Yoongi said honestly. "Oh but we have proof Yoongi-ssi!" The host commented. The host pointed towards the large screen at their side. Yoongi was surprised when the photos of him and Suran making out was being shown.

"Friends don't kiss like that Yoong-ssi." The host said. The audience were shocked and at the same time happy for Yoongi. Jimin however looked like his heart was torn to pieces. "Let me explain, I was really drunk at that time. We aren't even kissing in that photo. It was just caught from a bad angle and it looked like we were kissing." Yoongi explained. Murmurs erupted from the audience and most of them agreed. Jimin stood up and quickly left the building. Yoongi groaned and faced the host.

"I'm sorry if this is going to sound rude but, people will do whatever the fuck they want just to make sure that they stay on top of others and have power. I'm not surprised if the paparazzi took this shot and sold these to you since your show has been given bad ratings. I am Min Yoongi and I am in love with someone else. That person is not Suran." Yoongi said before standing up and leaving the studio. 

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

The three were in the car and Namjoon was driving quietly back to the company. "I already fucking told you Joon, I didn't want to do this interview in the first place!" Yoongi yelled which made Jin flinch. Jin glared at Namjoon which he took as the cue to shut up. "Calm down Yoongi, we'll fix this okay?" Jin assured. "How the hell are you going to fix this? Jimin stormed off the building and he probably doesn't want to talk to me anymore!" Yoongi cried. Tears started to flow from his eyes. "Everything will be alright, I promise. " Jin said as he hugged and comforted a crying Yoongi.

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