Chapter Four

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"Jeon Jungkook..." Taehyung muttered as he lazily opened his eyes.

Taehyung was up all night crying about Jungkook. Taehyung knew that it was a petty thing to cry about but he was really hurt when Jungkook said that he doesn't believe in the lamp's story.

He was a hopeless romantic. Growing up he used to believe that fairytales exist. He dreamed of being locked in a tower and a handsome prince would rescue him. He was a sucker for cheesy romances.

"Why are you sleeping during work hours?" Taehyung was surprised and immedietely jolted up from his seat. "Yoongi hyung, I'm so sorry!" Taehyung apologized. Yoongi let out a sigh and sat beside Taehyung.

"Is there something wrong? Usually you're so happy and outgoing." Yoongi said as he sat beside the younger.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and let out a long sigh. "Is this about Jungkook?" Yoongi asked. Taehyung slightly flinched which made Yoongi smirk.

"I hit a nail on that right?" Yoongi smiles, patting Taehyung's back. "Hyung I know it really sounds stupid but I'm affected by what Jungkook said." Taehyung explained.  "We do have the same lamp design but it feels so stupid. I should have been much more open minded when he said that he doesn't believe in the story of the lamp." Taehyung continued.

"So what if we have the same lamp design? He'll never acknowledge my feelings." Taehyung frowns. "There's nothing wrong with it unless you try." Yoongi said. "You mean like confessing to him? Hyung I've been his creepy stalker since I got here! What makes you think that he will like me? I only saw him up close and had a proper conversation with him yesterday!" Taehyung laughs.

"You should really confess to him, Tae. You might regret things in the end." Yoongi said. "Like what hyung?" Taehyung asks curiously. "I let go of a person whom I loved so much." Yoongi smiles sadly. "Is that person the reason why you made Serendipity?" Taehyung curiously asked.

"How the hell did you know about that? I deleted that song years ago!" Yoongi angrily asked. "Namjoon hyung asked me and Jungkook to sing a demo of it before when I was still auditioning here." Taehyung said. "Where is the damn file?!" Yoongi yelled.

Before Taehyung could answer, Yoongi stormed out of his studio and headed straight to Namjoon's office studio.

"Hello hyung what brings you here?" Namjoon greets. "Where the fuck is my song?!" Yoongi yelled. "Your mixtape or-" Namjoon was cut-off by Yoongi when he slammed his hand on the table. 

"You know damn well that I'm talking about Serendipity." Yoongi growled. "Hyung I didn't want to delete it. The song is really good and I want to add it in one of our trainee's album.

"Namjoon, that song should be deleted! I don't even know why made that, heck I don't even want to hear it!" Yoongi angrily spat out, making Namjoon shiver. "I don't even know how the hell did you even find it!" Yoongi continued.

"He gave a copy to me. He said that I should release the song to express his love for you." Namjoon pursed his lips as he looked at a very surprised Yoongi.

"Bullshit. He never loved me. I don't care what you want to do with that song but don't expect that I will listen to it." Yoongi said as he stormed out of Namjoon's office studio.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment Kim Seokjin?" Yoongi groaned as he felt the sunlight hit his face. "Shush." Jin said as he continued opening all of Yoongi's curtains. "If this is about my argument with Namjoon tell him that I'm sorry." Yoongi groaned as he covered himself with a pillow.

"It's fine. We're just both worried about you because you haven't come to work for almost two weeks." Jin said as he sat down beside Yoongi.

"Taehyung's really worried about you. He thinks that you're dead. Jungkook also thinks that you're in another country." Jin said. "Those two are really weird. They would probably make a good couple if they start dating." Yoongi groaned as he got up from his bed.

"They'll be the weird couple. Those two are really compatible right? Too bad Jungkook likes someone already." Jin huffed as he stood up and proceeded to the kitchen. "I'll make you breakfast then let's go to work." Jin said.

"Fine, but who does Jungkook like?" Yoongi asked. "I don't know. All I could say is that the person he likes is working in the company." Jin said.

Yoongi headed to the shower and too his clothes off. He took a nice, hot and relaxing shower. Yoongi got out off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He noticed that the lamp was still open. When he touched the lamp it started blinking.

He turned off the lamp and placed it back on the dresser. "Come down already! I made waffles!" Jin yelled from downstairs. "I'll just put on some clothes!" Yoongi yelled.

Yoongi grabbed his favorite black jeans, put on a white shirt and wore a black leather jacket. He grabbed his brush and started styling his hair. "I'll probably dye my hair soon." Yoongi muttered.

He went downstairs and sat by the dining table. Jin served the food and also started eating. "What's the news in the company?" Yoongi suddenly asked. "Jungkook and Taehyung's duet will be uploaded soon. Hoseok would be working with Namjoon and Taehyung to make the final song in his album." Jin informed.

"All is good then." Yoongi nodded. "Not really, Sonwoo accidentally spilled coffee on one of Mark Tuan's laptop which made him lose all the important files to release Jackson's new album." Jin let out a sigh as he remembered it.

Yoongi continued eating his food as he listened to Jin.

"Sonwoo's a good assistant, what happened to her?" Yoongi asked. "Pregnancy. I think she is on her fourth month. She always feels naseuous. She denies it but Joonie gave her a paid vacation break." Jin said.

"That's actually great then. I think that Sonwoo deserves a vacation, she's been working too hard for her own good. Also hyung let's go, we've got work to do." Yoongi said as he grabbed his car keys. "I'm sure that Namjoon misses you hyung. He's always whining about you." Yoongi said as he looked at his hyung.

"Let's go then." Jin smiled at his friend before they left the apartment.

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