Chapter Eleven

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"Whose idea was it to make Jimin drink tequilla sunset, beers, and more vodka?" Yoongi asked as he interrogated his friends. Solar pointed a finger to Hoseok, Hwasa also pointed a finger at Hoseok, Moonbyul and Wheein also did the same. "Jung fucking Hoseok, you know that he can't carry his alcohol well!" Yoongi scolded which made Hoseok stand up.

"Hey! I only gave him the sunset! Namjoon was responsible for the beers!" Hoseok said to defend himself. "Hey it wasn't me! It was Jungkook!" Namjoon countered making Jungkook gasp. "It's not me! It's Moonbyul noona!" Jungkook said, pointing at Moonbyul.

"Shut up! Hoseok, I'll borrow your car later. I'll just go get Jimin." Yoongi said as he walked away from everyone. "Your plan worked baby." Jin said as he kissed Namjoon's cheek. "Of course it'd work. I also drugged Jimin." Namjoon said, flashing his dimpled smile. "How devious." Solar said as she rolled her eyes. "It's fine. Yoongi hyung will know what to do." Taehyung said as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"I'm pretty sure tomorrow they'll be okay. You know the saying, alcohol tells what the heart desires." Hoseok said, snorting as he laughed. "Uhhhh, Hoseok that quote doesn't sound right." Jungkook facepalmed. "That's hyung for you little shit." Hoseok spat out making Jin laugh.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

Jimin was on the dancefloor, he was grinding his ass on a random stranger. Yoongi wasn't supposed to feel jealous, he was supposed to feel nothing since they were only friends. They were friends right?

"Jimin, we have to go." Yoongi said as he grabbed Jimin's arm and dragged him away from the dancefloor. "But hyuuuung! I'm still dancing with that guuuuy!" Jimin whined as he kept stumbling while Yoongi pulled him away.

"Park Jimin stop struggling!" Yoongi scolded which made Jimin whine even more. "But hyuuuung snaaaacks please!" Jimin whined like a three-year-old which made Yoongi groan. Yoongi carried Jimin on his shoulder and slapped the younger boy's ass which made Jimin yelp.

As Yoongi carried Jimin towards the kitchen where Hoseok was, he noticed that Jimin was slowly starting to get sleepy. "Hoseok, I need the keys." Yoongi said as he reached out his hand. "Here you go. It's the black Hyundai one okay? Please hyung don't trash my car." Hoseok pleaded.

"I won't. I'll just take Jimin home. Does anybody here knows his address?" Yoongi asked everyone. Hwasa nodded and gave Yoongi Jimin's address.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Hoseok hyung how does Jimin hyung and Yoongi hyung know each other?" Taehyung asked in a curious tone as he watched the two leave the party.

"They were highschool sweethearts. Jimin was fourteen while Yoongi was sixteen. They had a cliché story you know? Nerd meets bad boy and they fell in love." Hoseok smiled, remebering the sweet memory. "Yoongi hyung was the bad boy and Jimin was the nerd. They crossed paths in a basketball game. He cheered for Yoongi so loud that everyone in the arena heard it and teased him." Namjoon continued.

"I remember Jimin coming home squealing like a girl. He told me that his crush Yoongi, asked him out. Hwasa and I were really surprised. We were nineteen at that time and on our third year of college." Wheein continued.

"Ohhhhh, but what or who's blue mold?" Taehyung asked in a curious tone. "If you remember 'Serendipity', it was Yoongi's hair color before. It was blue and Jimin loved his blue hair. Joon and Yoongi made the lyrics of Serendipity you know?" Jin continued making Taehyung surprised.

"Why did they break up?" Jungkook asked. "Jimin and I desperately needed the money. He cheated on Yoongi with a very rich man. He promised to pay Jimin a handsome amount of money in exchange for sex. Even up to now I still regret letting Jimin do that. It was my fault. I was graduating and needed money for thesis. His mother became sick and Jihyun, he's just a young boy at the age of five." Hwasa told her story in a sad tone.

"Jimin hyung sacrificed his happiness for his family. Because of that, I graduated, Jimin's mom had proper treatment and Jihyun went to a nice school." Hwasa continued. "Although sadly just recently, his other passed away. Hwasa couldn't attend the funeral since she was working hard as a trainee for three years." Wheein continued. "It sure did pay off. Jimin finally graduated college last year and Jihyun's now in high school." Moonbyul continued.

"I didn't know that you guys had it rough." Namjoon said. "It's fine hyung. At least auntie is in a better place. What matters now is Jimin's happiness." Hwasa said as she wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"Yeah and did I forget to mention that they own the same Lovers Lamp?" Hoseok said.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Why on Earth is this address familiar?" Yoongi wondered as he slowly put Jimin down on the backseat. Jimin quickly slumped on the seat and slept in a fetal position. "Even after seven years have passed, you still have low alcohol tolerence." Yoongi chuckled as he gently touched Jimin's hair. "Yet seven years has passed and I still love you." Yoongi let out a bitter smile as he closed the car door and sar in the driver's seat.

As Yoongi drove, he was suddenly getting anxious. The whole place really seemed familiar. After a few minutes, he reached the neighborhood given by Hwasa and stopped in front of a regular house.

Yoongi carried Jimin out of the car bridal style. Yoongi opened the door and was surprised that the door was unlocked. "Jimin hyung?" A voice of a groggy boy asked. "Oh hello you must be Jihyun, I'm Yoongi. I came here to drop your brother off. Can you show me where his room is?" Yoongi introduced and asked. Jihyun pointed to the farthest room on the second floor. He muttered a small thanks and went upstairs.

He passed a door which was awfully familiar. He decided to take a small peek and was surprised. He saw a gun shaped lamp near a photograph of Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung was actually a tenant here.

He gritted his teeth in anger but Jimin stirred in his sleep, making Yoongi quickly go to the younger's room. He was angry and confused on why Taehyung kept it a secret that Jimin was his roomate.

He opened the door and carefully laid Jimin down on the bed. Jimin tossed and turned and moaned softly. Yoongi found it cute and he kissed the younger male on the forehead.

"Yoongi hyung. Jimin hyung can't sleep well if he doesn't turn on his light. I'll just place it here. I already replaced the batteries for him." Jihyun said as he entered the room while holding a lamp.

Yoongi's eyes widened in surprise on what Jihyun was holding.

Jimin owned a heart shaped lamp similar to his.

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