Chapter Seven

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"You're my penicillin." Jimin smileď as he read the lyrics. Yoongi's hair was a vibrant blue which resembled a penicillin (blue mold), each time he reads this partnit always makes the both of them laugh.  Yoongi chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's slender waist. "It does sound good don't you think?" Yoongi asked.

"Baby you should change this part." Jimin pointed to the lyrics which said 'I'm your pup'. "Change it to what then?" Yoongi asked as he kissed Jimin's neck. "Use calico cat." Jimin suggested.

"Minnie I'm offended. You could have suggested 'Min Holly' or 'Cute Poodle'." Yoongi joked. "Min Yoongi you're such a funny man." Jimin laughed. "Joking aside, the reason why I wanted to use calico cat is because of our eyes." Jimin explained. "Our eyes does resemble a cat's." Yoongi muttered as he used his phone as a mirror.

"And also I used calico cat because I am always here for you. I am loyal and trustworthy and I shall always stay by your side no matter what." Jimin smiled, making his eyes turn into crescents. "I love the sound of that my calico cat." Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's lips. "I love it too, my blue mold." Jimin teased, making Yoongi groan in annoyance.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Ugh. It's that stupid dream again." Yoongi muttered as he looked at the blinking lamp. Yoongi was completely stunned by its beauty. The way the lamp glowed softly and prettily reminded him of Jimin.

Jimin also once brought out the beauty of life in his own darkness. "I wonder what the person is like." Yoongi wondered as he grabbed his phone and scrolled through the web. He found an online lamp shape seeker which he knew was a bad idea. He might get scammed or worse might even get cat-fished online.

Yoongi was partly desperate and partly curious to find out who owned the same shape as his. "Namjoon and Jin met in the store. Taehyung and Jungkook are currently about their lamp. Such chaos does the lamp bring towards people." Yoongi huffed out as he got up from his bed and put on a leather jacket.

He grabbed the pack of cigarettes that were lying comfortably on his dresser. He decided to go out of his apartment to smoke. His neighbors didn't like it when he smoked. Instead of enduring an hour long sermon from his landlord from the increasing number of complaints, he decided to drive to the park.

Since it was two in the morning, the park was really silent. He sat down on the children's  swing  and placed a cigarette between his lips. The cigarette was resting comfortably on his lips and it struck him. He forgot his damn lighter back home. "Shit." Yoongi cursed as he fished his jacket pockets in hope of finding a lighter.

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