Chapter Fourteen

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"My name is V and thank you once again for supporting me on my debut. My first song is Scenery which was composed and sung by me." Taehyung introduced himself which earned cheers and claps from his audience.

"An audience of two-thousand people is already remarkable for a newcomer in the industry." Namjoon remarked as Yoongi smiled proudly. "Most of the fans here swooned over his good looks. He refused to cut his hair in the first place you know?" (A/n: His hair is actually the one in the Danger MV. Yes, the long hair where he trims the bangs.) Yoongi's face scrunched at the memory of forcing Taehyung to cut his hair.

He actually threatened Taehyung that he'd tell Jungkook that the he was straight and only using him for money. Taehyung was pleading Yoongi not to tell Jungkook those lies. In the next five minutes of Taehyung's life, he was actually sitting down in a parlor's seat. He originally wished that the color was red but evil Yoongi had plans.

As Taehyung sung scenery while playing the piano, tears were shed from his new fans. It was heartbreaking and at the same time very powerful. Yoongi knew that his decision making 'Scenery' the main track in the album was no mistake.

Min Yoongi is proud and will be awaiting what will happen to Taehyung in the future. He envisioned that the boy can win Daesangs and Bonsangs, but now he decided to take it slow and let Taehyung enjoy the moment of being accepted in the industry.

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"I do love the way you smile Tae. Not to mention a bowl cut actually suits you. (A/n: His hair from Blood, Sweat and Tears)" Jungkook said as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck.

"I'm glad you do. But I still miss my long hair. It's such a shame that Yoongi hyung made me cut it." Taehyung pouted, making Jungkook smile.

The Lovers lamp issue with Taehyung has been settled. The two agreed not to tell Jimin. The two only focused on Taehyung's album and debut as a soloist. Critics about Taehyung's work were surprisingly positive and no doubt that Taehyung might win an award for his success.

Yet despite all the success, Yoongi still couldn't believe how cruel fate is. He tried to run away from Jimin before and ended up meeting him in a playground near his mom's funeral. He left again and suddenly the younger was a trainee in RM productions.  He even had to take his ex home when he was really drunk from Hoseok's party.

Not to mention he was surprised seeing little Jihyun all grown up. A lot did change from the seven years that they lost each other. Maybe they did change for the better but as an older saying goes: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

💙💚💛💜The Lightest Touch💜💛💚💙

"Congratulations hyung!" Jimin surprised Yoongi as he entered his private studio. "Jimin? What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked. "I came to surprise you and congratulate you with Taehyung's success." Jimin answered.

"Oh. Thank you but isn't it late?" Yoongi asked as he showed the time on his phone. Jimin's eyes widened in realization that it was already eleven pm. "I don't care. Let's enjoy the food that I made okay? I already gave Taehyung his portion so don't worry." Jimin answered.

"I missed the taste of your orecchiette pasta. I remember that time when we participated in a cooking contest in our school." Yoongi said as he chewed the food he was eating.  "Don't talk while your mouth is full." Jimin scolded, making Yoongi swallow his food. "It still tastes really good. I missed your pasta." Yoongi smiled. "Glad that you still did. It would be a waste if you hate the taste." Jimin said as he slowly chewed his food.

"I love the taste you know, it reminds me of the old times." Yoongi said as he reminisced the past. "Oh jeez, the only good thing that we got from that contest was Min Holly." Yoongi groaned as he finished his pasta.

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"Hyung we did it! We won! You won't have to retake home economics classes anymore!" Jimin cried before hugging Yoongi. "Thank you so much petal, you saved my ass back there. I'm so thankful that you saved the dish." Yoongi said. "Oh Yoonie baby, you also did your part! Who would have known that orecchiette pasta would taste well? You're such a genius baby!" Jimin said before kissing Yoongi's lips.

"Well you're the one who did all the cooking Minnie, I only picked the pasta and mixed the sauce." Yoongi said. "That's exactly what made it taste good baby! But never mind that, you got incentives to pass! Not to mention we also won money!" Jimin squealed, making Yoongi flash his gummy smile.

"What are we going to do with the money Yoonie?" Jimin asked. "We're going to a special place baby." Yoongi said as he lead Jimin towards the car. "Baby I gotta blindfold you because it's going to be a surprise okay?" Yoongi said. "I'm kind of nervous Yoonie. What if I get hurt or something?" Jimin panicked. 

"Baby I promise that you won't get hurt. I promise you that okay? There are lots of shit that I said before but this time please believe me baby." Yoongi said. "Yoongi baby, it's okay I trust you, I promise."  Jimin laughed, making Yoongi feel at ease. Yoongi lead Jimin towards a shop. 

"Yoongi are we almost here?" Jimin whined as he felt nervous. "Minnie I'm going to remove the blindfold." Yoongi said as he slowly removed the blindfold from Jimin's eyes. "So what's my surprise?" Jimin asked. Yoongi made grabby hands and called, "Holllyyyyyyyyy!" A puppy cam running towards their direction making Jimin squeal with excitement.

"Oh my gosh Yoonie baby, you got us a puppy!" Jimin cried in pure delight as he carried the puppy. "I named him Min Holly because I had to sign some papers to properly get him. I hope that it's okay." Yoongi said.

"It's perfect Yoonie, I love you so much!" Jimin said as he kissed Yoongi on the lips.

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"How's Holly?" Jimin asked. "He's doing well. There are times that he's sad and missing you but I assure you he's fine. 'May I come over and visit him?" Jimin suddenly asked. "Oh sure. If you want we can go after and you can spend the night." Yoongi said.

"Thank you hyung." Jimin showed his cute smile, making his eyes shaped like crescents.

A/n: Okay I knoooooow. I'm sorry for the late update I'll try to make it up soon. I promise.

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