chapter 4

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Shawn's POV

{present day}

She keeps sending me these mixed signals, can she make her mind up? Cause I'm losing my patience. First when I finally make myself tell her I love her, she says she doesn't want to love me, and then she goes and gets with Anthony, and then she looks at me like that, while singing that song. Does she want me? Or is she just playing with my feelings?

"Thank you." Hailey told the waiter while picking up her ninth glass of alcohol.
"How much do you drink?" I chuckled.
"A lot." She answered and chugged down the drink in a flash. By the way she slurred her words, I could tell she was already drunk.

I looked around the room, searching for the tiny brunette who was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe she left after the ceremony but she never misses an afterparty, especially Taylor's afterparties cause she would probabaly just kill her if she didn't show up. That's a stretch, but Taylor took her afterparties seriously.

"Where's Camila?" Taylor asked me.
"I don't know." I honestly replied.
"You guys are okay right?"
"I think so."

Taylor placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze, making me reply with a weak smile.

"Let's go dance!" An extremely intoxicated Hailey screamed. She got off her seat and started pulling me with her.
"Hailey I don't want to." I told her.
"Come on, you gotta loosen up, you look like you want to kill yourself or something. Come on!" She dragged my arm.

Did I really look that bad? Was it that prominent or was her drunkenness affecting her vision?

I finally gave in and let Hailey drag me to the centre of the room where others were dancing as well. Hailey started dancing close to me and put her arms around me, making a chuckle leave my mouth.

She danced sloppily but the alcohol definitely helped boost her confidence. She made me sway with her and kept jumping around and dancing with confidence.

A new form of energy came onto the dance floor with her presenc,e and the people all around us started dancing livelier than before. The DJ switched to an even livelier song and Hailey just continued being the life of the party. I laughed and smiled with her, and she just couldn't care any less about the people around her.

I started seeing her in a way I hadn't before. I started noticing the little details about her, the way her lips curved when she smiled, and the way the corner of her eyes crinkled when she laughed. The way she danced and the confident aura she radiated, everything started to make me feel slightly more attracted to her than I felt before.

I found myself pulling her closer to me and cupping her face with my hands and kissing her. She immediately started replying but before the moment got any heated, she giggled into our kiss and pulled away.

"You're really cute, you know?" She patted my cheek and continued dancing, leaving me in an awkward position.

What is that supposed to mean? We just kissed and now she's acting like nothing happened. She did kiss me back but turned a blind eye towards it just moments later. Did that kiss mean anything?

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