chapter 6

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Shawn's POV

{present day}

I proceeded to drag Hailey with me into my house. She was now passed out and I never found out where she lives, so I had to bring her over to mine.

I picked her up in my arms and lightly placed her on my bed. Her eyes twitched and a small smile spread across her face. As I was about to walk away, she held onto my arm and said "You're such a gentleman." She giggled. "If it were some other guy, he would have been all over me by now, but you're just too nice."

The alcohol was brining out the honesty in her, but her comment only made me blush.

"You can sleep here, I'll sleep in the other room." I informed her.
"Or you can sleep with me." She giggled again.

She forcefully pulled my arm, making me lose my balance and only just manage to not land on her. I hovered over her while she continued looking at me needily.

I don't care what she says, I'm definitely not sleeping with her when she's this drunk, no matter how much she wants me to.

"Hailey don't." I tried to get off of her but she only pulled me back again.
"Am I not pretty enough for you?" She pouted.
"You're drunk. Like really drunk." I chuckled.
"Oh. It's Camila isn't it? Well, she doesn't have to know." Hailey's arms snaked around my shoulders and she started pulling me closer to her.

I untangled her arms from around me and moved away. She gave up on me and sighed.

"You're boring." She told me.
I started taking off my blazer and replied "If not taking advantage of a drunk woman and being respectful of her consent is called being boring, I'm more than okay with it."

I took off my shoes and belt, and continued undoing my socks and watch, while she slowly drifted off to sleep.

I went over to her and took off her shoes before making my way out of the bedroom and into the living room.

I'm angry at myself for leaving Camila behind at the party today, but Hailey needed me. I can't believe what Anthony's doing to her, he should be in jail, but Camila's cruel manager just continues pushing her to do things that are extremely unhealthy for her. She only cares about her reputation and not her well being. It should be so traumatizing for Camila.

She looked so hurt today and I made such a dick move by ignoring her these past months when she needed me the most. And I can't ignore the fact that we almost kissed today, she still loves me, she still does but we can't be together with me having Hailey and her Anthony. Just that name brings my blood to a boil.

I unlocked my phone and found Camila in my blocked contacts and I mentally cursed at myself for doing that. I unblocked her and started calling her, but she didn't pick up.

Is she mad at me for leaving her like that? Is she mad that we didn't kiss? Does she think I didn't want to kiss her? She might just be busy at the party.

I thought I would text her asking her to call me once she was free to do so.

S : call me back when you can

I didn't want to go to sleep without having talked to her so I stayed up. I went on Instagram and Twitter to kill time, I went through some YouTube videos, I tried writing a song, I practised some piano knowing that Hailey was too deep asleep for it to wake her up, but she never called me back.

faking it ; shawmila ✅Where stories live. Discover now