Chapter 1. A Real Vampire comes to Kuoh

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(Nobody's POV)

Location: some where in the woods

In a cabin in the woods, laughter could be heard from the inside. In the main room a group of six vampires were laughing after the treachery they had committed. The group had been on the run for killing innocent people, murder, rape and many more heinous crimes. They had just recently found a family who were living in the woods on their own. They broke in and tortured and killed the man in front of his wife and children. Then they made the mother watch helplessly as her son and daughter were next. Before finishing off the woman, all of them raped and tortured her. Everywhere around the room blood was sprayed and the corpses of the family were all put into a pile.

A/N: Imagine something like this, but at night

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A/N: Imagine something like this, but at night

Vampire 1: Now, that's what I call a fun night. Am I right boys

The group cheers

Vampire 2: So now what are we gonna do boss?

Vampire 1: Well after we burn down this joint, well go find another family to have some fun with (Smiles wickedly) how about that!!

The group cheers again

Vampire 3: Nobody can stop us!!

Group: Yeah!!

As the six vampires were getting fired up one of them left to take a piss outside As he was doing his business, he didn't notice a figure with crimson eyes was slowly making his way to him.

Vampire: Ahh...sweet relief

???: So you want relief do ya? I can help with that.

Before the vampire could turn around to see who said that, a red wire had made its way around his neck and started lifting him off the ground in the blink of an eye. As he struggled to get himself free the figure appeared in front of him and took out a knife and cut his arms off

Vampire: Hgnnnnn!!!!

Without his arms the vampire's body started to slowly stop struggling and hung their lifeless.

???: Sorry to "leave you hanging", but I gotta go deal with the rest of your friends.

Small time skip

The remaing vampires were getting drunk and wasting their ammo by shooting up the ceiling, furniture, the walls and windows, and the dead corpses to not even notice that one of their comrades had gone missing till the leader ran out off booze.

Vampire 1: Oi Charlie!! Get me another beer!!

As the leader calls out for Charlie the rest of the group look around and notice that he's not here.

Vampire 4: Uhhh boss.. he's not here . I think he went outside to take a piss.

Vampire 5: But that was almost an hour ago. He couldn't be going for that long.

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