Chapter 5. A Real Vampire Goes on a Date and Meets a Nun

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No ones POV.

After a long, restless night Y/N layed in his bed with a smile on his face. As he started to get up, someone tugged on his arm. That someone was none other than his bestfriend/Now girlfriend Seras Victoria. She was asleep with a smile on her face and was only covered by the sheets and nothing else. He looked at her with a smile and stroked her face gently. He still remembered what they did last night (then again, how could he forget). The positions, going at it non-stop, the noises,...who knew Seras had that kind of side to her. After he was able to get up, he got on his black pj pants and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Time Skip brought to you by Chibi Y/N flipping omelets with his eyes closed

As soon as he put his and Seras's plate on the table, Seras came in wearing just her night gown (now back on) and limping with a smirk on her face.

Y/N: Morning Beautiful~ *kissing her as she sits down*

Seras: Morning~ *smiling*

Y/N: Sooooooo....Last night was something else huh~

Seras: *blushing* Y-Yeah. I didn't know you were such an animal~

Y/N: *smirks* Me? You were the one who pounced on me and rode me for hours like an animal in heat.~

Seras: Says the guy who grabbed me, forced me against the wall, and kept going in me like it was mating season.~

Y/N: Well it's not my fault. Just looking at that beautiful body of yours makes want to do it again.

Seras: *Blushing harder and smiles bigger* My body?, what about yours. I mean, I knew you were 'big', but I didn't know that you were actually 'huge'! I mean fifteen- *stops because Y/N puts a hand on her mouth*

Y/N: As much as I like the compliments, I think we need to hurry up and get ready. We still have school and it's Friday.

Seras: Right *gets an idea and smirks* Well then why don't we finish breakfast and go take a shower together~?

Y/N:Mmmmmm...I love the way you think~

Time Skip brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Seras feeding each other.

After a 'Long' shower, the couple got dressed and realized what the time was. As soon as they saw they only had minutes left till the bell rang, they bolted into Y/N's card and sped off like they were in a race. Y/N kept increasing his speed over and over which was starting to worry Seras.

Seras: Y/N, I think you need to slow down a bit! (said with a look of concern)

Y/N: Don't worry. I got this.

Seras: I know...that's why I'm worried!!

Y/N: Relax Seras everything will just-

Y/N: Relax Seras everything will just-

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