Chapter 14. A Real Vampire gets a Surprise

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Time: Night

Location:Kuoh Woods

Y/N's Point of View

Now I know what you're thinking.... is bologna just hotdog pancakes? Well for those who weren't thinking that, now you are And you're welcome, besides that's what I was thinking at the moment. And why was I thinking this you might say?...Well it all started with another Midnight Stroll through the woods. The air was clear, the moon was full, and I was dying to sink my teeth into something. Get it? Because I'm a vampire...mwahahaha-it's funny. 

Now before you think "Oh shit, here we go again", Relax I wasn't alone....this time. No, the person who was with me was Yumie. She came with me to help me on my search for Yumi who had left Rias tonight after a job. How That happened was simple, after an emotional reunion with my car, Issa's parents had come by for a visit. They just wanted to see how their daughter was doing an all, which of course was normal, I mean I Did hypnotize them to take away their daughter for her to be with me, So I think that's fair.

But getting back to the point, Issa's mother had brought over a picture album of when Issa was a little girl. In all of here pictures she looked really cute if I was being honest. But in one picture where Issa was with a friend, in the background was apparently a Holy Sword. That apparently triggered some kind of Vietnam flash back for Yumi, cause she started to act off and left early. Later that night, Rias and her peerage had a job to take out a corrupted devil and even invited me to tag along. Well the job Mostly went well, but Yumi at one point froze up and almost got herself killed. Luckily I shot that shit job of a monster to bits so it was all good, but Yumi left and just before she did she told Issa why she was with Rias's peerage, and let me just say...that's some deep shit. But anyway I started to walk after her and as I was going I ran into Yumie who was practicing with her katana. She blushed and became all shy when she saw me, I asked if she wanted to walk with me, and now here we are looking in the woods. And you know maybe it's me, or maybe the full moon, but as I saw yumie looking at me...

 And you know maybe it's me, or maybe the full moon, but as I saw yumie looking at me

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.....I kinda felt like doing her right now.

Yumie: *blushing increased*.......

Y/N: Wait.....Did I just say that out loud?

Yumie: *embarrassed* Y-You k-k-kinda d-did Y-Y/N.

Y/N: *nervous chuckles* Oh..heh well, sorry it's just you look really nice tonight~.

Yumie: *blushing harder* T-T-Thank y-you.

Y/N: Heh, no problem.

Yumie: *still blushing* A-And y-you know, i-if you w-wanted to-to actually h-have y-your way w-w-th me....I-I wouldn't mind...

Y/N's Mind: Big G. if you're up there, I'm just saying you heard her say that. Her words not mine!

Y/N: *smirks* Oh~, what's this? Is a certain little nun thinking Naughty thoughts~? *appears behind her and hugs her* I wonder what the punishment would be~.

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