Chapter 11. A Real Vampire fights a Chicken

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A/N: Hi there. Before this chapter begins, there's some things you need to know. First is that chapter will be one of he longest I've ever doe so far. The reason why is because I wanted to add much stuff as I could cause sorry to say, but classes for me will start up again soon, which means I won't have as much time to write. Also this chapter will be an +18 chapter, meaning that besides the language and violence, there will also be a little more gore and also... there will be a lemon in this as well. Also please note that this was my very first time doing one, so if it was bad, don't criticize please. And for those who don't like Lemons, just when it starts, skip to where it says Lemon Ended, and just read from there on. either than that please enjoy the chapter.

Everyone was gathered for the celebration of the marriage of Rias and Riser. Since Riser had won the rating game, Rias would marry him much to her displeasure. Everyone in Ria's peerage was of course upset that they had lost, with Gasper taking it the hardest. They were doing so well and had Riser on the edge, but then Riser's Queen made an explosion that was enough to distract them and Riser grab and take Gasper as hostage. When Riser threatened to kill Gasper, Rias forfeit the match to save him. Now here they were with Rias showing up wearing a wedding dress.

Although Rias looked beautiful in the dress, she was upset that she would have to marry Riser instead of a certain male that had stolen her heart

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Although Rias looked beautiful in the dress, she was upset that she would have to marry Riser instead of a certain male that had stolen her heart. Speaking of said male, as Riser was going on about the marriage, a commotion was going on just on the other side of the doors. This of course got everyone's attention.

???: *muffled* What-- What do you mean you "forgot the song"?... Okay screw-- screw it, no screw it! Screw it!... J-Just take my phone and hit 'Random'...No, just hit 'Random'....Okay. Three, two...

A/N: Imagine busting in to this playing. You can play it from 0:22-0:40 or 1:30-1:46 it works either way Or just enter wh

As the doors were busted in and the music was playing, everyone was shocked and a few certain people had a mixed reaction to who just came in. Riser had a mix of anger and fear while his peerage was blushing, Rias and her peerage were overjoyed, Sirzechs and Grayfia had a smile on their faces, and two certain fathers looked like they were pissed off, while three other females were blushing and pouting. The reason why they all looked like that was because, there in the doorway stood Y/N with all of his girls behind him and his familiar ,Tiny Tut, was on his shoulder. 

Y/N: Ok turn it off. *music turns off* Well, I don't know about you guys but I think that worked out. *looks at everyone and smiles*'s everyone doing tonight?

Riser: What are you doing here?!

Y/N: *ignoring Riser and looks at Rias* My, my ,my...Don't you look beautiful Rias~. *looks at her peerage* Good to see you all here ladies, and you too Gasper.

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