Chapter 10. A Real Vampire trains some Devils

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A/N: Before this chapter begins, I totaled all the results for the mummy's name and the name is-

Alucard: Lil Nut!! -GAH! 

The reason why Alucard screamed was because his head was just cut off.

Author: *almost singing* Decapitation!

Alucard's body then crumpled to the ground.

Author: *holding a bloody bayonet and faces the audience.* Now...the mummy's ACTUAL name is Tiny Tut. This won with 10 votes. Now with that out of the way enjoy the chapter and I'm going back to my place for a bowl of my favorite cereal Boo Be-

Now back to the story

Grayfia: What is wrong with you?!

Y/N: You know I ask myself that same question every day, but I always forget cause I'm hungry.

Grayfia: I mean why are you burning Riser Phoenix?!

Y/N then turned around and saw Riser on fire trying to role around and put out the fire. Grayfia then shot an ice blast at Riser and  froze him and also put out the fire.

Y/N: Well there goes extra crispy. I even forgot the lamb sauce.

Grayfia: *looks at Y/N* What are you doing here Y/N?

Y/N: Honestly, I originally came here to find out who the heck the popsicle was *points at Riser* cause that little shit decided to go to my place and break my tv. But, just as I barge in there he was trying to grope my tomato *points at Rias*!

Grayfia: *let's out killing intent* leave me and Venelana behind for years and now that you're back, you go for my other sister!?!

Rias: Wait, * looks at Grayfia while blushing and points at Y/N* he's that Y/N?! The same Y/N that you and sis talked about for years?!

Grayfia: *looks at Rias* Hey! I told you that in private!

Y/N: What do you mean I left you?! I always wrote to you, Serafall, and  Venelana. Didn't you get my letters?

Grayfia: *looks at Y/N hurt* No.

Y/N: Hmm. *thinks out loud* Maybe I should have sent them by carrier pigeon.

Grayfia: But besides all this nonsense, *looks at Rias* I'm guessing that you still don't want to marry Riser correct?

Rias: That's correct.

Grayfia: Then in that case, it has come down to a rating game that will take place in 10 days. If Rias wins then she'll be set free from the contract, if Riser wins then...Rias will marry Riser*said with bitterness*.

After that announcement Riser's peerage took Riser back home. Grayfia then looked at her sister and her peerage. She saw how they were all looking at Y/N blushing (except Gasper).

Grayfia: *looks at Y/N who was eating a muffin* Well, now that they're gone...

Y/N barely swallowed the rest of the muffin, when all of a sudden Grayfia pulled him close to her and kissed him straight on the lips. This once again shocked Rias and her peerage. Y/N was a little surprised at first, but he went with it and kissed back. The kiss went on for a while, until they had to separate from each other for air.

Y/N: Well...I'm guessing you forgive me?

Grayfia: *smile at Y/N* Nope~.*gets closer to him* But I know a way you can make it up to me~.

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