Chapter 6. A Real Vampire Rescues a Friend and Talks to Devils

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Previously on High School DxD X Hellsing:

Y/N: Oh,well maybe I can help you Ms....

???: Asia. Asia Argento (said with a smile)

As she said her name, she looked right at Y/N. Suddenly their eyes went into a trans state. After a few moments, Y/N smiled.

Y/N:Asia....what a beautiful name.


Asia blushed when Y/N told her, that her name was beautiful.

Asia: T-Thank you.

Y/N: No thanks is needed for saying the truth~. So where are you trying to go to Ms. Argento?

Asia: W-Well I was trying to find the church that's here in Kuoh, but like I said before I couldn't understand any of the signs.

Y/N: Ah, I see. Well I believe that there's a church not far from here. If you want I can show you.

Asia: I'd like that. And also...*blushing and looking away shyly* can you just call me Asia please?

Y/N: *smiling* If that's what you want...Asia~

As Y/N was leading Asia to the church they passed by a playground. There a little boy was crying to a scrape on his knee. Asia went to the boy and started to magically heal the boy's wound. When she was done, the injury was gone. The boy thanked Asia and went on his way smiling. While that was going on, Y/N saw the whole thing.

Y/N's Mind: So that's her power huh? Interesting... I wonder how she got The Twilight Healing?

As they began to walk again, they finally made it to the front of the church. Before going any further, Y/N could feel something off about this place. And not just because he was a vampire, but he felt a lot of dark auras coming from inside. As Asia kept going forward, she stopped and looked at Y/N.

Asia: Thank you for helping me get here Y/N.

Y/N: My pleasure Asia.

Asia: Would you like to come inside for some tea and cookies?

Y/N's Mind: COOKIES!!

Y/N: *showing restraint* As much as I'd love to, I actually need to get going. I have to take care of something really important.

Y/N's Mind: But The COOKIES!!!! *crying in the inside*

Asia: Oh...I see (looks a little disappointed)

Y/N: But if you want, Here *hands her his phone number*. Now you have a way of getting in touch with me. Maybe we could hang out some time~.

Asia: I'd like that very much Y/N *smiling and blushing*

As Y/N was heading back to the base, he saw Seras and Issa heading out and walking to school. He caught up to them and caught their attention.

Y/N: Hey guys.

Issa: Hey Y/N.

Seras: So what happened? You didn't kill anyone did you?? (said concerningly)

Y/N: Sadly no. But I did find out some more info that might be useful about what's going on around here. I'll tell you more after school. Oh and Issa *hands her a ring that's similar to Seras's except the gem is green* here you're gonna need this.

Issa: *blushing* T-Thanks.

Y/N: It'll help you hide your aura and make you look like your old self. Speaking of which, how do you feel?

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