Thank You

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Hello there everyone. I just wanted to say to all of you...Thank You. Thank you all for all the support you've given me. I truly appreciate it. From those who read my stories, to those who follow me and all those in between, I am forever grateful. And I know that there are a lot of you who are waiting for the next update, but please know that this isn't my only story and that also I am also having to take care of some personal issues. So for the time being , just please be patient. The next arc for this story is already planned out, but i' still tweaking it here and there as I go. And to all those that understand and have been patient I thank you.

But besides that, I also wanted to do something while I am writing out this and my other stories, so I have decided that since it's been almost over a year since I've been on Wattpad...That I will do a Q&A. This is my first ever one, so go ahead and ask me just about anything and I'll be happy to answer all your questions....just don't ask about Updates for this story or any of my other ones. Either than that, this segment will be about me answering all your questions.


Thank You and Let the Q&A begin


High School DxD X Male Hellsing ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now