Chapter 12. A Real Vampire begins a New Adventure

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(Nobody's POV)

It was a nice day in the woods and a man and his son were just coming back from a walk when they noticed that their front door was broken in. The man had his son stay behind him as they slowly made their way inside their home. As they were slowly making their way to the living room they stopped. The reason for that was because in he middle of the room was the boy's mother. The man quickly went to his wife's side to see if she was still alive, but as he took a closer look at her body, he noticed that her clothes were torn up and that there were cuts bruises all over her body. He also noticed that there were signs that showed that the man's wife had also been violated. The only thing left of the poor woman was her cold dead coarpse in the middle of a pool of blood.

Father: *tears in his eyes* Mary........Marry!!!

Boy: Daddy...why is momma like that? Why isn't she waking up? Dad.....

As the boy was trying to figure out why his father was crying and holding his mother like that, something started to happen to the boy. In an instant he started to have a splitting headache.

Boy: AHHHHH!!!!

The boy's body then started to ache all over and was so heavy that it made him drop to his knees. As he was holding his head, a black oozing substance started to engulf him. It felt like hot tar on the boy as he cried out in pain for his father to help him, but when the boy tried to look for his father...he had vanished. The next moment the boy received more pain as two large black feathered wings grew out on his back. As this happened the boy closed his eyes hoping that this would all go away, but when he reopened them, he was no longer covered in the black ooze, but was instead covered in sweat. and he also no longer had wings on his back. Instead, he was lying in his bed surrounded by his girlfriends. What he just went through was another nightmare, and since he was already up, the figured it was time for Y/N Hellsing to start another day.

As Y/N somehow maneuvered his way out of all his girlfriends grasps, he made his way towards his bathroom. Once inside, he went to the sink and splashed some cold water on his face. These nightmares had been happening for the past months after the whole Riser Phenix fiasco. To try to forget about it, he decided to take a shower. As he let the warm water flow down his back, he suddenly felt two soft round objects hugging against his back and two arms wrap around him.

???: Morning Y/N~.

Y/N: *smirks* Morning Seras~.

As Y/N turned around he got an amazing view of Seras in all her glory. 

Seras: *smirks* Like what you see?~

Y/N: Always have since the first time I layed eyes on you~.

Time Skip Brought to you by Chibi Y/N hijacking a bus and singing the Banana Bus Song while driving it.

After a 'good time' with Seras in the shower, Y/N put her back in the bed with the others and went downstairs to make everyone breakfast. As he started to prepare it, a silver and black ring with a white draconic design appeared on Y/N's index finger.

 As he started to prepare it, a silver and black ring with a white draconic design appeared on Y/N's index finger

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