Chapter 15. A Real Vampire Fights a Lord of The Rings Reject

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A/N: Hey there, just like how I said last chapter, This will be a Rated R Superstar chapter. It's Mature for Many Reasons. You have now been warned


A dark aura started to surround Y/N all around him. His eyes started to change to where he now had small beady red pupils and the rest of his eye was black. He was trying his best to hold in his anger, but he was done. This bastard was going to pay.

Y/N: *serious tone* Seras.....say it.

Seras: Y/N..........Go For A Walk

And just like that, it was if a lock inside Y/N had just been undone. Y/N took in a deep breath and when he exhaled his breath could be seen as if it was cold outside. He then hung his head low and said a phrase that would not be forgotten from that day on.

Y/N: When Hope is Gone.... Undo this Lock....AND SEND ME FORTH....ON A MOONLIT WALK.......Release Restraint Level..........ZERO.


It was the very next day after Y/N had defeated Irina and Xenovia, and he was just out on a Walk through town. He was trying to calm down after his dad had surprised them by taking pictures of Y/N rubbing Seras's belly. Apparently after that Y/N had to chase Alucard cause Alucard was literally screaming "I'M  A GRANDFATHER!!" to anybody who would listen to him. When all the ruckus was finally brought down, Y/N decided to go on a walk. As he was walking he was wondering what would be good baby names.

Y/N: Let's see there's Jake, Luke, Caesar, Han, Jeff, Bob, Harry, Jack, Finn, or Kratos for boy names, and if it's a girl maybe Leia, Marie, Lilo, Mavis, Marceline, Daisy, Becky or-

Before Y/N could think of any other baby names he saw Heinkel, Yumie, Irina, and Xenovia begging in the streets. Of course Y/N saw this and couldn't resist.

Y/N: Well, Well, Well, working the corner I see~.

Heinkel: Shut the fuck up you impure swine!

Y/N: What? I was just gonna ask what your prices were cause I think I have enough for a couple hours~.

Heinkel: We are not prostituting ourselves you jackass!

Y/N: Aww, what a shame~. So if you aren't selling yourselves, what the hell are you doing?

Heinkel then explained how Irina had spent all their money on a horrible portrait and how they were now homeless and had no money. Y/N then shocked them all by picking up Heinkel and put her over his shoulder and started to walk away.

Heinkel: Put me down! Get your disgusting hands off me you-



Yumie: *blushing* Heinkel....did you just moan?

Heinkel: *blushing* N-No!


Heinkel: Ahh!!~~

Xenovia/Irina: *blushing* You clearly did that time.

Heinkel: *to Y/N* Listen hear you horrid creature, if you smack my behind again I will stab -


Heinkel: Ahh!!!~

Y/N: *still walking with Heinkel on his shoulder* Oh, I'm sorry did you say something?

Heinkel: *blushing*....

Y/N: *put's Heinkel down on a seat at a restaurant* Good~ Now listen up all of you. *looks at the four girls and flares his aura* I am personally going to pay for your meal right now, and you all will be staying with me till your job is done. You two sort of get a pass*looks at Xenovia and Irina* because not only are you new, but you haven't been here for long. *looks at Heinkel and Yumie* Now you two on the other hand, *looks at Heinkel* If you refuse for any reason or object of any kind, Not only will I spank you again, but I will literally put you on this table, rip off all of your clothes till you are naked just like how you came into this world, and then take you Right HERE and NOW. Don't get me wrong, I love your whole Tsundure act, but right now I'm trying to take care of you, and if you make it hard on me, then it looks like Daddy's gonna have to punish you for making him angry~ Do I make myself clear?~

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