Chapter 4. A Real Vampire Goes to Ireland

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Location: Private jet heading to Ireland

Y/N's POV.

For those who are wondering why I'm on a jet to Ireland, it's quite simple. You see it's been one of my dreams to hunt a Leprechaun and now I finally get to fulfil that dream. *sighs* If only that was the true reason I was heading to Ireland.


Y/N: *sighs* Hey Boss

Integra: Hello Y/N. How is the new job going for you?

Y/N: Eh. It's alright so far. It does have some great perks though. *Starts driving with Integra is on speakerphone*

Integra: And I'm guessing these 'Perks' you're referring to are the new car and home for the base that your 'Father' gave you?

Y/N: Well to be fair, by the time that I got there everything was on fire. So at least with the new car and base, I'm not homeless and we still have a base.

Integra: Yes that is true. I also know that Seras is with you as well. At least you have a partner now(secretly planning to have Seras keep tabs on Y/N so that he stays out of trouble).

Y/N: Yep. But besides checking on me, I'm guessing that there's something else you wanted to tell me.

Integra: Yes, there is. While this is your new job now, we need you to do a quick mission in Ireland.

Y/N: Oooo. I've never hunted down a Leprechaun before. Do you think if shoot them with my gun, Lucky Charms will explode everywhere?

Integra: Sweet Christ, just shut up and listen. Apparently a group of vampires have been on a rampage and are now in Ireland. I need you to go there, flush them out and bring them here alive.

Y/N: Annnd why can't my dad do this? *increasing the speed of the car*

Integra: Because apparently he has a "meeting" to go to.

Y/N: Meeting? With who?

Integra: Wouldn't say.

Y/N: Odd. Then again this is my dad were talking about.

Integra: True. And remember to take Seras with you.

Y/N: Fine

Integra: And bring them back ALIVE.

Y/N: You just got to suck the fun out of everything don't you?

Integra: Ah-Ah-Ah! None of the sass.

Y/N: 'Yes Mom'.

As he was talking to Integra he didn't notice a guy trying to cross the street.

As he was talking to Integra he didn't notice a guy trying to cross the street

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A/N: Imagine it was the car from chapter 1.

Integra: What was that??

Y/N: Uhhhh...Deer?

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