Chapter 2. A Real Vampire Reunites with a Friend

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A/N: Before the chapter begins, I have a few quick announcements. First, Sorry about the chapter situation. My computer I have to get I fixed later on. Second, I forgot to add Carmilla to the harem. Reason for that is I couldn't find a picture of her. Either than that, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Previously in the story:

The reason for that was inside the crate wasn't a 'what', but a 'who'. And that 'who' was my best friend.... Seras Victoria.


(Y/N)'s POV.

"S-Seras?"..... I couldn't believe it....right here in this crate...was my best friend. As I looked closer I noticed she wasn't moving and looked really pale....Wait we're vampires of course we look pale. But just to be on the safe side, I put two fingers to her neck to check for a pulse. Nothing.....oh wait... forgot we don't have one. That's when I noticed a folded up piece of paper between her...cleavage. "Well shit....". Slowly, I reached for the paper, knowing that if I made one wrong move, I'd probably be a goner. "Be the Crane....Be the Crane", I kept telling myself. Finally, when I got the paper, I slowly backed away and unfolded it. It was a note from my dad that said:

Thought you would like some "company" while your here ;) ;)

Don't worry, she's fine. She's just drugged cause she has a fear of flying. She's totally fine..I think. Just in case, check for a pulse. Oh wait... we don't have those. Just wake her up to make sure then.

Have 'Fun'


P.S. After you wake her, she has a message for you.

Well after that, I quickly went back to Seras and stared calling her name. "Seras....Seeerrraass....Yoo-hoo...*snaps fingers*.....*shakes her while shouting* "Seras"!! (Still nothing)."Man she's a heavy sleeper...but she looks cute though. I was starting to worry, when I got an Idea. I walked to her side,cupped both my hands together, took a deep breath and shouted "HEY POLICE GIRL!!!!". In an instant her eyes opened up with a pissed off look on her face. She instantly sat up and shouted back.

Seras: WHAT?!

(Y/N): Morning Sunshine~

Seras: *looks around to see who said that and spots (Y/N)* Y-Y/N???

(Y/N): Hey~*winks at her*.

Seras: *instantly gets up and tackels (Y/N) into a hug* OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!!! I can't believe your back! Wait...what are you doing here back at the base? Did something happen?

(Y/N): Uhhh Seras.... You're in the new base here in Japan.

Seras:.... what? *Finally takes in her surroundings* How did I get here!?!

(Y/N): Wait, does this mean that you didn't want to come here?

Seras: No it's not like that, it's just well you see...*sighs* it's complicated.

(Y/N): Oh..(said with a hint of sadness.) Well maybe the message can help us out.

Seras: Message? What message??

(Y/N): You know the one you had for me. It says so in the note.

Seras: What note???

(Y/N): *hesitant at first, but suddenly smirks and hands her the note* See for yourself~

Seras: *Reads the note, then blushes deep red* W-W-What?! (Y/N chuckles at this) W-Well only thing I remember is your f-father telling me if I ever saw you again t-that for you to c-call him(trying her best not to stutter). Either than that I just remember turning around leaving then suddenly a rag is over my's smelled like chloroform.

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