Chapter 16. A Real Vampire...Says Goodbye

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A Few Months Later.......

A/N: Play this now while you read, but for those who are using your phones and can't play this while reading, sorry, but just imagine this is in the background

It was a gray and gloomy Saturday Afternoon. The rain was starting to pour as many people were leaving a cemetery. The reason there was a lot of people there in one spot was because a funeral had just ended. The one who died was one of Hellsing's best agents that they'd ever have.

The entire organization had shown up for the funeral, and so had many others, even including some of the members from the Vatican...from a distance of course. They had all shown up because many had known this agent in many ways. Not a single eye was dry as many tears had been shed. There had been many screams and wailing, and the look of sorrow was on many faces.

As the casket started to slowly descend into the ground, most of the crowd dispersed, but a handful of others still remained. These were the ones who knew this agent the most and they all had different ways of taking this new loss, but the one who took it the hardest was none other than Y/N.

While Walter, Integra, and Alucard felt as if they had lost their own family member, Y/N felt more. To him, this agent wasn't just a friend or some family member, No this agent was one of his closest and dearest friends. They knew each other from a young age and created a bond no one else could have. The adventures, the laughs, the cries and all of memories they shared all went through his mind as the casket finally hit the bottom. After it did, Y/N merely stood there as tears trailed his face....luckily Seras was also there for him.

Seras: *tears in her eyes* I know love....I'm gonna miss him too.

After the grave was filled in, the small group watched as the tombstone was placed. And on it, it read:

Here lies Josh. 1904-2019 . Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Great- Great-Grandfather, Great-Great-Great Grandfather. Forever will he be missed and may God allow him to take his. 357 to Heavan.

As the group went their separate ways, Y/N and Seras made it back home to their base.

Raynare: Welcome home Master and Mistress. How was the Funeral?

Y/N didn't respond instead he went to the living room.

Seras: *to Raynare* He'll be alright.  He just needs some time.

As Y/N sat down, he simply let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes, but he rapidly opened them when he felt something...or more specifically Someone tapping his feet. As he looked down he saw his Four kids smiling at him. 

Back at the hospital, the reason Seras stopped breathing for a moment was that one of the kids was caught inside her. Surprisingly there was only suppose to be two, but in the end Four healthy babies came from her. Sure, it took A Lot out of Seras, but she made it. The odd thing was that the machine she was hooked up to was beeping...even though she was a vampire...since they don't have pulses. But after all that, Four new members of the family were born.

 But after all that, Four new members of the family were born

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