Just a heads up

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Hey guys Author here.

So what I originally wanted to do was put the harem out by tomorrow...but something came up. The college that I go to called me and told me that some of my classes had to be switched around due to them being at the same time. So with that I had to go and fix that out. Now with my classes being moved around, my schedule is botched up. And with that being the case, I might have to update slower than usual. That doesn't mean I wont though. It just means it might take me a day or two or maybe by the weekend to update. Hope you all understand.

So with that being said by 10:00 (Pacific Standard Time since I live in California) I will be closing the poll for the harem, then after tallying up the votes I will show who will be in the harem for now. If you don't vote then your person might not make it. And for those who have already voted, your people have made it...Congrats :).

Also one more thing...to give more ideas for the harem.....I will be doing Genderbends on the guys. I apologize to those who are not interested in this kind of thing, it's just that I have read many DXD stories, and I want you guys to be the main Guy-ish. So with that being said, if you want a certain male character to swap gender let me know and comment, but...The only males though that will still be males will be Allucard (even though he can shift to a girl), Alexander Anderson(no), Riser Phoenix(hell no), Kokabiel(ew), Loki (just no), Diodora Astaroth(still gonna kick his ass), Sairaorg Bael (you're still gonna fight him), Azazel(not happening), Michael (the head of heaven, not the douche that got his brains blown out), and finally Zeoticus-Milicas-and Sirzechs Gremory (the males for this family will remain males). Either than that the rest are up for grabs.

   Either than that the rest are up for grabs

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Thank you all for reading this story. It really means a lot.

Until Next time :) ....which will actually be later on today.

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