Chapter four

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I wake up the next morning to my alarm and I get dressed in a little more comfortable attire since I was told I could wear pretty much anything.

I head out and on the way I grab a coffee and a bite to eat as I make my way to work. I show my badge and credentials this time and I'm let in. I head up to see Nick before heading down to my work spot.

When I get to the elevator I see the team in the room across from me. And that's when I see Steve look over at me.

I see the concern on his face and I wanna ask what is wrong but I need to get to work so I look at him for a moment and then get in the elevator

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I see the concern on his face and I wanna ask what is wrong but I need to get to work so I look at him for a moment and then get in the elevator.

Once I'm downstairs I walk over to my station and put my headphones in and I listen to music and I'm jamming and working and I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulders.

I rip my ear buds out and look and see it's Mr. Stark.

"Don't do that. Nearly gave me a heart attack".

"Whoops. Now you're good at designing weapons right?"

"Yeah I mean I draw them up I haven't really built anything that technical yet".

"Do you think you can do it?"

"Probably why?"

"Just wondering. I might take you under my wing and let you fiddle with things at the tower."

"I could do that but I have my own house and I like it there".

"I respect that I do. Maybe even Cap can swing by there you know".

" think that I like Steve?"

"I never said that but haha know I know".

"You can't tell him. He'll think I'm weird".

"Look I know him he won't find you weird but I'll hide the fact you like him".


"Now I talked to Fury and you're coming to the tower tomorrow to work on some stuff there with me and you can get to know the team better".


"I'll send you the directions and I'll see you tomorrow there".

Later on I went home again after reporting to Nick I decided to actually make a grilled chicken salad for dinner and a cup of red wine to sip.

After that I decided to go to bed and look forward to tommorow.

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