Chapter thirty five

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Buck drove us back to our place while I held and cuddled my best girl. I loved her even more like this. She wasn't known to drink much but when she did she had a tendency to be dirty minded but also cuddly more than usual.

I kissed the top of her head and I felt my eyes welling up with tears at how much she meant to me.

"You really love her don't you?" Asked Bucky.

"I do so much my heart swells".

"Wow. Well I'm happy you found your girl Steve".

"After I lost Peggy being in that ice I thought I lost the chance at love. But then Athena came along and I feel in love all over again. I fell so hard so quick".

"You deserve to be happy Steve. Hell we both do".

"You'll find your girl Buck I know you will".

"I know I'm just really happy for you though".

"Thanks Buck".

"You two do make a really good couple".

"I know and I'm just excited for our wedding".

"Me too. I haven't seen you in a tux in a very long time".

"I'm just imagining how my girl is going to look".

"I bet she's going to be beautiful".

"Oh I know it. She wants a tangled theme wedding. That's her favorite Disney movie but she wants me to add what I want. I told her it doesn't matter to me".

"Your kids are going to be so spoiled you know that?"

"Oh I know and I'm going to make my family happy".

We made it to our place and I handed Buck the keys while I held Athena in my arms still. I didn't want to wake her up.

"Steve can we stay up I don't want to stop you from talking to Bucky".

"Oh doll you can just sleep like you were and we'll go to bed in a bit".

"It's okay. I'll go ahead and go to bed. I love you sweetheart".

"I love you too doll".

I kiss her lips softly and she walks up the stairs.

"You go ahead and go to bed. I'll talk to you guys in the morning it's late. I'm a bit tired myself too".

"Alright the guest bedroom is upstairs and a few doors down. Night Buck".

"Night Steve".

I walked upstairs and I saw her in bed and I slipped everything off except for a pair of sweatpants.

I crawled into bed in front of her and she kissed my chest.

"I thought you'd be asleep already doll".

"I was waiting on you to come to bed".

"Well I'm here now".

"I don't wanna sleep honestly. I want your love good night".

"I feel the same way baby doll".

"I just love you so much I think about you not in my life and I want to cry. I can't imagine you in my life".

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm with you as long as you'll have me in it".

"Forever then?"

"Forever doll".

She kissed my lips softly. And I tucked a piece of her loose hair behind her ear.

"I think we should plan a trip to see my parents so they can meet you".

"I'd love to do that. That way I can thank them for making my beautiful angel".

"Stop it babe", she laughs. I loved her laughs and giggles and her kisses.

"It's true I think your the most beautiful girl in the world".

"Steve I know I'm not that beautiful".

"That's not true at all and I'll prove it to you. I'll kiss your skin and your body I love so much. You are my world, my heart and my soul Athena Walters. And I'm your captain so what I say goes and I will prove to you for the rest of our lives that you are beautiful-".

She attacked my lips and I wrapped both of my arms around her as we kissed passionately. I mentally apologized to Bucky but I needed my girl right now. My beautiful fiancé. She was the first to pull back and I attacked her neck slowly with kisses. I didn't care if I left marks this time. She was mine I lay claim to her heart as she took mine.

"Steve I need you".

"I know my darling. I need you to".

There was no foreplay or jokes it was too serious of a moment for that.

I entered her slowly enjoying seeing her enjoy it as well. I put all of my love for her into everything.

I cuddled her to my chest and she kissed my cheeks.

"I'm so crazy about you I don't think I'm ever gonna stop".

"I don't want you to".

"I probably will have to leave for a mission soon".

"I know I wish I could go with you".

"I know but you're needed at shield plus you have our wedding to plan doll".

"I know".

I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Go to sleep beautiful".

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