Chapter eighteen

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I walked into work and went up to Fury's office because he wanted to talk to me about something.

I walk in and he's looking outside the window.

"Walters, I have an idea that I may be crazy for but when the team gets back I want to talk about you joining them on missions".

"And why's that sir?"

"Well I know you are good with code breaking and can design weapons but I believe you'll help the team to".

"Thank you sir. Anything that needs breaking?"

"Surprisingly no but if you want we can go over weapon design. I know you work on those with Stark but maybe I can help too".

"Sure. Keeps my mind off Steve".

A few hours into designing I see I'm getting a video chat. I pull it up and I see Steve's face.

"Hey sweetheart. Busy at work?"

"Well I'm  making blue prints of some future weapons for here and you guys. I still need to work on your shield sometime".

"I love you doll. You really amaze me".

"How's the mission going?"

"It's going great. We know where our people are".

"That's great hun".

"You know if this gets finished tonight I got no plans tommorow night".

"You know if this gets finished tonight I got no plans tommorow night"

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"Is that your way of saying you'll be here tommorow?"

"I miss you too much doll. I need my best girl".

"I love you Steve. Be safe baby".

"I will I have you to come back to. I gotta go doll".

We hung up and I put my pen down and got up to get a bottle of water. I leaned against the table staring at the window.

Then an idea popped in my head and I sat down and got to work on it.

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