Chapter fifty four

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I woke up to the sound of yelling. I looked over and saw Athena still asleep in my tshirt and some underwear with stars on it and red knee high socks. She looked beautiful. I kissed her forehead and got out of bed to head to all the yelling.

I slipped my slippers on and a tshirt and went downstairs by the elevator and the team was in the kitchen making food.

"Where's sleeping beauty Rodgers?"

"Still asleep she was freezing last night and I had to make sure she wasn't getting sick".

"I can check on her vitals if you want and make sure everything is okay", said Bruce.

"That'd be great".


I turn around and see Athena with a light blanket around her and this time wearing my hoodie which was swallowing her basically.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"Just really cold for some reason and I threw up some".

I walk over to her and feel her forehead. She didn't feel too warm. She buried her face into my chest. Her skin was cold. I gathered her up in my arms.

"Bruce is going to look at your vitals okay beautiful?"


I held her as we made our way to the lab and I gently laid her down on the table. She gripped my hand as we were asked questions and answered them.

"You said you threw up?" He Asked.

"Yeah, it's been going on for a while".

"Im gonna see if I still have it here."

He looks around and pulls a machine near us.

"Thankfully shield keeps us updated".

Bruce lifts up her shirt partway and puts some jelly on her stomach and turns the machine on and there's a hum and then moves the thing around on her stomach.

"Anything", she asks.

"Well it turns out you are pregnant".

"What really". I say shocked.

"And the fetus isn't that far ahead yet but I definitely suggest going to either a doctor, shield or we can monitor it here".

"Up to you sweetheart", I say looking at her.

"Which would be better for the baby?" She asked Bruce.

"I'd say all three just in case. Like a regular doctor to get anything, me here to check up on you regularly and shield for anything else".

"Sounds good. Can I still go on missions?"

"For now but just lighter stuff like spying with nat or something. No fighting unless absolutely necessary".

"I can deal with that".

"I wanna suggest you two make an appointment with someone soon".

"We will. I'm hoping to get one for tomorrow or as soon as we can".

"I'm getting cold".

Bruce wipes her stomach off and I help her get dressed again. I grab her bridal style and carry her to the elevator and then our room.

"Do you want everyone to know yet doll?"

"Yeah I think so".

"Friday, tell everyone to meet in 10 minutes in the normal room", I said wrapping her up in our fluffy blanket.

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