This Is The Part Where You Run Pt. 1

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Hope POV

" you have to go..." Josie whined as I put my jacket on. She looked up at me and my heart melted. I walked towards her and kissed her forehead.

"Unfortunately I do, my love but I'll be back tomorrow." I kissed her softly again. "I love you."

"Love you too..." she mumbled, already falling back asleep. I chuckled and walked over to the crib on the other side of the room. I gave my son a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.


So Alaric and I got a tip about a new werewolf who will be turning tonight. Apparently this poor kid is seeing an exorcist so we're going to save him.

"Landon?" I saw the last guy I though I'd ever see. My old crush. Of course I don't like him anymore, I have Josie and our son Niko, but I still never thought I'd see him again.

"You two know each other?" Shit Alaric, the mission, right.

"Long story." I said before being interrupted by glass shattering and someone screaming. "Dr. Saltzman."

"Yeah, I'm on it." He said as he went to open the doors, unfortunately they were locked. "Doors are locked."

I rolled my eyes. "Dissera Portus! You're gonna want to stay out here, Landon, trust me." I said as the doors opened and we ran inside.

The werewolf was screaming in pain as his bones cracked to allow his transition. The priest wasn't helping at all as he was shouting in Spanish.

"Shut down the exorcist, would you?" Alaric asked as I did the correct spell to shut up the priest and have the foster parents and him go to sleep. Alaric and I restrained the werewolf and Landon watched.

Shit! Landon!


After one extremely awkward car ride, we finally arrived at the school. Now, when I say awkward, I mean awkward. Alaric was being nosy about Landon (Can't really blame him, he just wants to be sure I'm faithful to Josie) and Landon asked way too many questions. But now it's over and I can see my beautiful family. Speaking of which, here they come.

"Hey babe." I greeted Josie with a quick kiss on the lips and a smile.

"Hey, everything go alright." Josie asked curiously as she smiled back. Her mere presence gives me butterflies and her smiles...those always floor me. Man, I love her.

"Sort of..." I replied with a soft chuckle as Niko made his presence known with a loud squeal. "And, how's my little man?" I asked my one month old as I took him into my arms and kissed his head.

"He's good, almost slept all night." Josie replied, proudly but tiredly. I couldn't help but laugh a little as she let out a small yawn.

"I'll take him off your hands now because you have a tour to give." I said, suddenly remembering everyone else around us.

"That's right, girls..." Alaric chimes in as he finished talking to Lizzie, Raphael, and Landon. He gestured for Lizzie and Josie to begin the tour for Raphael and for Landon and me to go with him.

"Welcome to The Salvatore School. We're your tour guides." Lizzie began the normal twin tour spiel.

"I'm Josie."

"I'm Lizzie."



"Fraternal. Obvs." I love it when they do that, it's hilarious.

"Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon." Alaric said as each twin took one of Raphael's arms. Landon looked super confused, especially when Josie gave both Niko and I a kiss.

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