Chapter 1

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Reginas POV

"You Stupid Girl! You will do just as I say; every other Girl would be honored to Marry such a Man Like Him!", My Mother yelled and her Hand met my Cheek again, that day, for the fourth time already. Actually I kind of got used to it after some Time. I've never seen fear or Regret in my Mother's Eyes as she hit me or locked me down in the Room At The Basement. Well-Actually-Once there was some worry. Not because of my Well being of course. That one time she hit me that Hard that the Ring she had on cut My Lip and she needed to take me to the Hospital because it wouldn't stop bleeding. To be honest she was just afraid that People-Men wouldn't like to Marry me anymore once My Face had some Scars or visible bruises. Now there was just a scar of that 'accident' left. "I do not want to marry him! He's like 55! He could be a Grandfather even! And besides, I love Robin!", I yelled back, immediately earning another Harsh Slap Against my Cheek Before she grabbed my Arm and pulled me back on my Feet.

"You foolish Brat! Leopold Is Rich! Don't you understand Girl?! You can be Rich and have a great Life, but instead, you choose the Dog.", She Said with an Eye Roll, her Face never showing any other expression than Disgust and Dissatisfy. "He is not a Dog! I love him and you can't do anything about it because What we share is true love and not even a Witch like you could break it!", I yelled and immediately Regretted it as She slapped me again, that time so hard that I even fell back down at the Floor.

"You crossed the Line now Regina! I have enough of your stupidity and Foolishness! Maybe some time somewhere else will Get you to realize how generously I am to you!", She yelled and grabbed my Arm as she dragged me down the Stairs to the Door that would hide the Dark, Cold and Empty Room I've been in so often already. "Daddy would never do that to me and He will get me away from you soon anyway!", I yelled back. "Your Father will not take you Away from me Regina. How can you be so sure he doesn't have anything better to do at the Moment?! I heard he's got a new Wife as well, probably he will just replace you Dear.", She Replied as She pushed me inside and I heard The Door Locking Before the Tears made their way down my Cheeks.

I would never Marry that Old Disgusting Man that basically Unclothes me with his Eyes every time We are forced to meet. Then there was his Stupid Daughter that would want me to be her Mother-I mean Hello?! I am 20 years Old!! I could never be a Mother!-On Top Of that, I would Loose Robin through it! On the Other Hand If Mother sends me away, I would Loose Robin as well...I didn't even know where She'd send me and for how long. How long wouldn't I see My Love and his Adorable Little Brother Roland. I didn't even know if I would return or not.

Anyway, My Name is Regina Mills and as I said, I'm twenty Years old. I've spent most of my Time in the House since my Mother Cora wouldn't let me go out. Probably she's afraid that I could escape her cruelty and Run away with Robin, Roland and my Friends Mal and Ruby.

The worst of that Room was that there were no windows or anything that would lighten the Room. It was cold and Dark, well And Empty. Not even a Bed or a Table was in it as I learned by the many times I've been in there. Normally if Mother locked me into my Room, Robin would just climb Up the Wall And Get Into My Room so I wouldn't be that alone and I could tell him about it so he would smooth me. There was no Robin. No Window and no Birds singing and distracting me from the Cruel Place called Life.

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