Chapter 24

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Regina's POV
A week ago Me and Emma has Sex! And it was Amazing! Breathtaking actually! I mean I've only did it once before, with Robin, quick-so no stranger person would but this actually felt different and Emma was so huge! I woke up in the middle of the Night by some Dump bangs. I wasn't really afraid since Emma was next to me, sleeping as she held me Close to her. I really love her. I looked up at my Window as other Bang was caused by a Stone being thrown against it. I gently loosened Emma's Grip around me and went to the Window to see Robin standing down in the Garden Of The House. He mentioned me to come downstairs to him and I immediately did. We had to talk anyway.

"Robin?", I asked tiredly as I opened the Front door facing him. "Oh God Regina I'm so relieved you're Alright. I'm here to get you home, I will never let anybody hurt you, Lets run away like we always wanted to.", Ge Said And my Heart Broke. I wish it would be so easy to tell him. "Robin I...I cant.", I Replied as I looked down at the Floor. "Why Not? I will never let them Find us Regina.", He promised and cupped my Cheeks. "No Robin it's not that...It's...I Can't go away from here...I...I fell in Love with Emma. True Love Robin. I'm so sorry and i understand if you hate me now but I can not Leave her.", I Explained as i felt my cheeks getting wet by My Tears. I really cared for Robin and he didn't deserve that.

"It's okay.", He suddenly Said as he cupped my Face in his Hands. "It's okay Regina. If you like Girls or someone else in general I can't do anything about it anyway. I also want you to be happy and if I'm not your Happy Ending that I will take that. I can't loose you thought and I will never, ever, hate you.", He Said and took me in his Arms for one more Time. "Can We be Friends?", I asked and he nodded. "Of Course. By the way, Roland got you something.", He Said And Put a Small Bracelet made of some kind of colorful strings. It looked really adorable and he knew how much I loved Colorful things. "Thank him for me.", I replied and let Robin Put the Bracelet On My Arm. "I will. Just tell me, does she take Good care of you?", He asked and I nodded instinctively. "Yes. She does more than that. She loves me and makes me laugh. She cuddles me and Makes me happy.", I Replied honestly and he nodded again as he Pulled me back into a Long hug.

"I will miss you Gina. I'll come over as often as you want.", He whispered against my Hair and I nodded as new Tears formed in my Eyes. I knew he was a good guy and accepted it but it still made my heart break that it had to end like that; I wished there was someone for him; just like I had Emma I wished he would have someone. He more than deserved it. "Please do. I don't want to loose One of my Best Friends.", I whispered back and I felt him placing a small kiss on my Hair before pulling away. "Goodbye Gina.", He Said with a Small smile causing me to chuckle. "Goodbye Robin.", I Replied And Kissed his Cheek Before he turned around and I closed the Front Door again before slowly heading back upstairs to Emma.

"What's wrong Baby? Have you been crying?", She asked as I Laid back down. I must have woken her up by that. "No Daddy. I'm alright.", I Replied smiling as I Snuggled Into Her. I looked at the Bracelet one more time before I closed my Eyes and let sleep take over me.

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