Chapter 14

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Emma's POV
Regina had been refusing to eat since almost Three days and I would stop that right away. She was way too suborn and at the End it would Kill her. I was very busy with work the last days so I told Killian and Lily to get her to eat but nothing happened; now I was free for some days and Would stop her With that bullshit right away.

I slammed the Door Of Her Room shut and Locked it as I looked at Regina leaning against the Wall with her Knees up to her Body while her Arms were wrapped around them. She also wasn't looking at me. I hurt her. Badly. " have to Eat.", I Said as I Placed the Bowl Of Apples in front of her. Since I knew her I found out that she loved apples. "Look at Me Regina.", I Said In a way harsher tone than I originally wanted to sound like. I mean of course I was going to punish her today if she would still refuse to eat but before that I could try being nice. My Harsh tone must have worked thought since she lifted her head a little and her big Brown Eyes Looked At me. They were red from crying and Still a little glassy. There were also several dried Tears on her Cheeks.

"Eat something Regina.", I demanded but she shook her Head. "Id rather die!", She Replied with Tears Running down her Cheeks. I could still tell that some part of her just wanted me to take her in my Arms and cuddle for hours. But that wouldn't be the right time. The time for Being nice and cuddling was over, it was time for Punishments.

"Alright. If you want it the Hard way.", I Said And stood up. I grabbed her by her Arm and pulled her up to me as well before pulling her after me to the Bed. I sat down and even thought she tried to strike against me she wasn't able to Hold her Balance as I gave her Leg a little push and she fell into my Lap. Her Feet almost didn't even touch the Ground thought.

"Are. You. Going. To. Eat.", I asked slowly and held her in Place by My Hands. "No.", She Replied. Oh god Regina and her Phases-she would get into real problems because of it. "Fine.", I shrugged and She squeaked a little as my Hand met her Ass through the Jeans. I wasn't trying to be gentle, she had luck that I decided to let her stay in her Jeans so it would cover up the Pain a little bit at least since I was being harsh, not just with the Voice, also with the Slaps At her Great Formed Ass. "All you have to do is to say 'yes Papi. I will behave again, be a good Girl and eat again. I won't make any problems anymore. I promise', then Papi will also cuddle with you instead of this.", I Explained As my Hand met her Ass again causing her to flinch. I was pretty sure it would leave a mark even through the Jeans. "No.", She repeated And took hold of a Pillow that laid at the Floor next to us before I slapped her Ass again. "God Regina don't be so damn stubborn, you'll get nothing out of it then more of this.", I reminded slightly annoyed as my Hand met her Ass again causing her to yelp. Yet she didn't say a word. I let her hold onto the Pillow thought, I cared for her and I knew I had to do it or she would end up killing herself with that stubbornness.

A few more slaps and I could tell Regina wouldn't last long anymore. I couldn't actually see her Ass but I was sure it would be Red as a Tomato from my Work. She fought back the Tears and hissed as my Hand met her Ass again. "Okay! I'm sorry Papi!", She suddenly cried out. "I will be a good Girl and I will eat and do what you want and what I'm supposed to do but please no more spanks.", She cried out as I helped her Up and she winced as her Ass met contact with my Lap. "Shht. It's alright Baby. That's all Papi wanted to Hear. I'm proud of you.", I Said And Kissed her Nose. "So you're going to be good like before he came, my Baby Girl?", I asked and As I expected the Nickname immediately worked and a happy but at the same Time weak smile curled on her Lips. "Yes Papi.", She Replied as she stretched her Arms out for me to cuddle Her. She really was a great cuddler and it always calmed her down as I figured.

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