Chapter 16

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Emma's POV
I woke up with Regina cuddled to my side like, well, almost every morning already. Since the Night she had a Nightmare she insisted in me sleeping in her Bed for almost every Night. Not that I minded. My Room was Depressing and actually also Really boring. Well it was a typical Room. Bed, Desk, Wardrobe And TV, a few Windows and some extra stuff but her Room was so different. She made something out of it even thought it looked like mine at the first place. She insisted to Have Large Soft Toys And a Huge Wardrobe, Her Bed sheets were Pink and Purple. And There were some flowers in a vase at her nightstand.

"Morning Cuteness.", I Said as her Eyes fluttered Open tiredly. "Morning. Don't you have to go to work?", She asked as she tiredly looked up at me. "Not today Sweetheart. I took a Day off just for us two.", I Explained And she Immediately Wrapped her Arms around me and just like she did once before already she left a small kiss on my Cheek. "Thank You!", She Said And laid back down as she tried to pull me down with her so we would cuddle.

"You know.. I've been thinking and maybe you'd like to go outside today. The Property is huge and there is a really large Garden full of flowers and other Things.", I suggested and she immediately smiled widely. "Yes! Come On!", She Said And I chuckled at my little Girl's Energie. She immediately ran downstairs and I laughed out loudly as I saw her a few minutes later Running back up as fast as she could with Killian dragged behind her by the Sleeve of his Shirt. Well she was keeping everybody busy for sure.

Regina gasped as I unlocked the Front door and went outside with her; well she was outside already but she had never seen the Actual garden of the House. I also told Lily to plant more Flowers than usually since I knew Regina would like it. "Wooow.", She mumbled as she looked at the Huge Place. There was a Large Pool and some Chairs and loungers, But you could see the Large Flower field after it. "Come On!", Regina Said smiling and Before I could even reply anything she already put my Hand in hers and Ran as fast as I would go with her to the Flower Field. She really liked Flowers. Most of Red Roses Thought.

She didn't even look for any Entry which gave me some Final Peace again. I knew I could trust her. She didn't want to leave me and I wouldn't have to be afraid of it. I planned to spent the whole day with her outside and also visit the city with her more often. "What about going to the City Tomorrow?", I asked. Of course I had some Trust Issues Yet But I couldn't keep Regina locked up like some pet I owned. She looked up at me and I even saw a little sparkle in her Eyes as she nodded happily. Then something happened that I never thought would happen. She leaned forward and her Lips met mine.

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