Chapter 2

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Regina's POV

My Eyes widened at the View in front of me. There was a Huge House-more like a Mansion, there were at least Three Cars besides the ones of People that I assumed were some kind of Personal. The Problem was I knew Exactly who's Place that was, My Mother didn't even need to tell me. And she also knew that I Realized where we were going since She had that Smirk on her Lips the whole way once we were driving to the Parking zone of the Place. Emma Swan. The one person I almost feared as much as My Mother. I've never actually met her-which I was very grateful for. Robins Friend worked for the Police and she's mostly the Main theme there. He told me that she was A cold hearted contract killer that killed at least 26 persons Already...and these were just the ones that they found. He said they never had enough proofs that it was actually her but in the back of their Minds they'd always know so.

Shivers ran down my Spine as I looked at the Blonde woman in the Red leather Jacket In front of me. Her Expression was Cold and almost Like she had no one at all-like my Mother's. She wore some Dirty Black Boots Which seemed next to the Floor to be the most interesting thing in that moment. Her Jeans were Dark Grey, almost Black I could say and they were a little Ripped, not much thought.

"Miss Mills.", She Said with a Voice as cold and emotionless as my Mothers. Seriously they could be Sisters with the way they acted. I played a little with My Nails so I wouldn't have to look into the Cold yet somewhat beautiful Green Eyes. "Yes. Do you have some place to talk in private.", My Mother Replied And The Blonde Nodded as she pointed with her Hand to A Room on the following Hallway. "You Wait here. Don't you try anything Stupid!", My Mother snapped in a low Voice before following Emma into the Room. God I think I could shit my Pants because of her. She was Scary-that much I could tell, on the Other Hand, I didn't really know her so who was I to judge?

Emma's POV
"What Can I do for you Miss Mills?", I asked as firmly as possible, even though the Beautiful Brunette wouldn't get out of my Mind again. She looked young yet not too young, maybe she was 22. "I want you to kill someone.", She Replied with a Cold Face. How could she be the Mother of the Young Brunette That seemed to be full of Love and Happiness, even though it was Hidden by Pain, Horror and Scares. "Obviously. You wouldn't have come to me then.", I Replied an took a Sip Of The Beer once I got it out of the mini Fridge. "My Ex-Husbands Wife. He is getting too close to Regina and Needs something else to Concentrate on. And I need the money...", She Explained. So that was the Beautiful Girls Name-Regina-Regina Mills. She was indeed a Queen. I didn't ask about that money or any other reasons, it wasn't my business anyway.

"I also know that you are...well...expensive. So I will pay you $30.000, You can have a New Car, any that You Like from the ones I will send over, And you get...My Daughter.", The Woman continued smirking. Wait would she literally give me her smoking hot Daughter?! What kind of Mother was she?! "Your Daughter? The Little Brunette from Before?", I asked. The Money was fine for me if that New Wife wasn't any prominent or something and I could also use a new Car but what really got my Interest was Regina.

"Yes. Regina. She's twenty Years old and she will obey you if You're not being too soft with her. You can have her If you do that Job for me. She never really left the house so she might not know about some stuff, she doesn't have anything here now, she also has no phone and she might seem suborn but she'll soon give in if you're showing her who's in charge.", She Explained And I felt My Eyes widening so they almost fell out of my Head. First of all I really wanted Regina to stay but on the other Hand I could already Sense her Fear Of me Before; Whatever. "I'll do it.", I Replied as we shook hands firmly.

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